Cenk and his run

Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns.

  1. How much did items 2-4 cost you?
  2. According to Cenk’s statement (Here’s the link at the 4:42 mark) he said “I hand the baton off to whoever is next”. That sounds like quitting to me and I haven’t heard mention of resuming the legal case from him and I haven’t seen any effort to raise more money for it. Can you explain this? If he’s so eager to move forward the legal case I don’t see the energy being devoted to that activity.

About $350K. We need a candidate to run in order to “hand the baton off”. In the meantime, we are working on other strategies to build the case. We got further than any other candidate without much publicity for it which is a shame.


This case isn’t very expensive. Its a basic legal argument. Isn’t Cenk a lawyer? If not, will none of the many lawyers Cenk knows take this case?If they won it would be a landmark win The attorney arguing the case would he lauded with glory and money. No lawyer would want to pass that up.

Have you filed an appeal with the appropriate appeals court?

Why not take the current case to the court of appeals? This case is purely a legal argument so there isn’t that much overhead. If was an actual case to be made there would be no shortage of lawyers wanting to make headlines for themselves even if they took the case pro bono.

Working on all of this. I do appreciate your interest.


Sorry but it doesn’t really feel like Cenk wants to go any farther. If he did he’d be asking for donations left and right. I’m not stupid.

Lol i can’t believe this thread is still going. Please volunteer to pay his legal fees. I’m sure all your questions will be answered directly. If not very expensive then, no problem.


I feel your pain. :joy:


Don’t piss on my foot and tell me its rainin.

To be fair, if one were pissing on your foot while it was raining, both things would be true. :woman_shrugging: