Economics and Society discussion

A fair summary of some wide ranging issues:

An often underappreciated aspect of our economic future is the imperative of rationing resources. Part of that underappreciation is due to how such a perspective requires effective leadership stronger than (and despite) the backlash to it.

The previous link looked some at rationing contexts, and the following link clarifies further some economics:

Another recent discussion on how we might apply ourselves to much of these issues, for our consideration:

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It’s good to see and hear that people are getting some successes in creating socioeconomic justice. The ideas are excellent, the vision is clear, there is obviously growing support as well. Unfortunately I believe the phrase ‘power concedes nothing’ is the reason there hasn’t been more movement.
They covered all the logical issues and resolutions, and I’m glad they discussed the problem of how to get government to budge on policy. The illogical and emotional nature of fear and greed are what really stand in the way, and the elite have almost completely separated themselves from society, while also gaining near total control over our government. This may be more true of America than other nations, but I don’t believe many major countries are far off.
We need more economists and visionaries like these women. We’re also going to need a way to force the concession of power. I had hoped education would be the great equalizer, but in the US we’re staring down the barrel of the end of public education now because of the lack of education in the past.
We need more entertaining TikTok and Instagram educational content I guess, can’t force people to learn anything.


It’s gotta be a new one if we are to survive as a species. Based on a public ledger built on a block chain and a cryptocurrency backed by units of energy on a renewable energy grid. Of the current practices of governments, obviously the Scandinavian democratic socialism model is best. I would only try to account for immigration controls and offering of jobs in the country the overflow of immigrants come from via mutually beneficial agreements between countries. Of course, i am basing this on the assumption that the rest of the world would rush into the renewable energy grid race once they saw the USA cut it’s war budget and invest it all on renewable energy tech just leaving enough of a budget for war that if anyone attacks us we have our nuclear program able to deliver.

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Thanks for the good reading everyone, i just caught up with the chat on this topic. I think I have been thinking about the same lines as most with my ideas on how to go about saving the species. I only wish we had spent more money on trying to find a plan B planet just in case. I wanted to add that we should probably consider that we might not beat the climate change challenge and/or the perfect economic model to bring about world peace challenge. We should start planning on how to leave behind self sufficient AI tech for a billion years from now when the planet is recovered and the aliens land, they might yet find DNA sequences to clone humans and bring us back. :heart::person_shrugging:t2:


I think looking for another planet is for the billionaires. With this, they can attempt to colonize the Universe. Besides, if we can essentially make another planet Earth-like and human-friendly, why can’t we do it here?


Right. I think that the Green New Deal should be the vehicle we use to terraform earth to an environment that can sustain us a bit longer. Still for the species to survive for another 10,000 years, and to tackle the over population problems we should consider anything from orbiting colonies to galactic exploration.

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You bring up a great point about entertaining educational content… and it reminds me of this recent interview, on entertaining political education content:

Some of the approach to content creation discussed in this video (above) also reminds me of the video discussion over on this thread

I’ve also been thinking about how I might design a 4x game, to entertainingly simulate (and educate) the intersections of geopolitics, ecology, economy, etc. But, probably most people wouldn’t play such genre, though other games could also educate on a narrower set of such things.


For our consideration, a discussion on the thermodynamics of economic degrowth:

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For our consideration, here is a good video essay on economic and ecological intersections with our agricultural practices:

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And, here is a discussion on those issues as well:

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There isnt one single system you can say is better for society.
A society that does not have a lot of resources would need the government to run the means of production.
on the other hand if you have a society where people have decent amount of wealth, capitalism is great.
The question of morality doesn’t have to do with what the system of economic is but how it is implemented.
corporate tyranny can be just as damaging to a society as maoist dictatorship for example.
Rights of people, equity, inclusion etc are different from economic systems. And depending upon the rest of the rules by which a country is run any economic system can be moral or amoral

I don’t know what a 4x game is, but I’d love to hear about it!

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