IF we get an Open Convention

Why overcomplicate things? Just use a drum and paper ballots. No one can be seated on the floor of the convention until they cast their ballot.

Works for me!

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Oh, yeah! But it would show the process is trying to be an honest one. If they want to have a vote-by-intimidation after this procedure has been called for, we know itā€™s a sham and we stay home -unless the extremely unlikely case happens that they pick a slate that has a good shot. Left to their own devices, I see The Owners of the DNC picking a slate that preserves the deals they had with Bidenā€¦

Nothing we can do about that, in the limited time remainingā€¦

I was actually thinking about that. I added the specific questions that could be asked to the initial proposition, to suss things out:

IF we get an Open Conventionā€¦ (link)

Please answer the poll I just put up. I will give an explanation of what I actually think is happening in a bit there

You still didnt answer my question. HOW are you going to make these people agree to an anonymous vote to begin with?

By getting the word out, the exact same way we are getting the word out for an Open Convention. We want both: a selection process that is NOT a coronation, and an honest indication of the sentiment based on a [non-binding] vote that could not be the result of career intimidation.

What will it mean to have a pitch process followed by a roll call that is a product of the intimidation of the political careers of delegates?

That is not the actual discussion. I have posted a poll in the Topics and posted a reply underneath. Kindly go and answer that poll and read my explanation. Maybe you will see why I donā€™t agree with open convention the way they are trying to do it