Innovative Approach to Achieving Bipartisan Support for Gun Control Legislation

To address your question, a complex solution would need to be created and funded that requires a database that’s maintainted and algorithms to ensure we’re not impeding on rights and accounting for all factors. My approach to solutions does not include stopping when I identify complexities or ways in which I would encounter challenges. Those adversities and complexities are always assumed. If it’s your way of progressing the conversation towards developing the idea, to call out obstacles, it comes across as waiving a flag at the first sign of adversity. My problem solving method (The McLellan Method) involves drawing a straight line towards the most obvious or direct solution and then overcoming anything in between, not circumventing or abandoning the soluition. Yes, we will need to account for pettyness and make sure people are held acountable when tying up resources, but that’s a process improvement issue and the solution hasn’t even been designed here. What I’m hearing is me speculating an idea and you jumping ship or restating the obvious, ie, that a comprehensive system and process would need to be built. Your line about 'but more bureuaucracy just comes across as a ‘what about’. I can’t work with pessimism. In my experience running project teams, those guys get the boot fast. Instead, try cool, how about this to add on to that. I’m not trying to force feed the idea; just critiquing your unconstructive criticism. I can’t work with this line of dialogue, so I’m going to have to bow out. You win. Laters! :peace_symbol: :metal: :+1: :call_me_hand: :v: :ok_hand:

How would the advisory committee balance public safety goals with industry financial interests?


The first thing we need to do is properly implement, educate about, and make full use of the programs we currently have. If we don’t fully use these tools and let people know they exist, why should we believe new rules and regulations will make a difference? Second, we must place our focus on the mental health of adolescents and young adults. Every school from pre-K through college needs psychologists, social workers, and strategies to enforce serious consequences for bullying. Lastly, public health campaigns promoting the safe usage and storage of firearms would go a long way in keeping our youth (and our less than youthful) safe. Many gun owners fail to do everything possible to ensure anyone with access to their guns has proper safety training and that their guns are stored as safely as possible, which leads to a lot of tragedy. While I understand the appeal of new legislation and stricter regulations, I think it’s equally if not more important to take a realistic look at what is possible right now. I just think that novel gun legislation is not likely to get the support it needs, and when it comes to the government, slow and steady seems to win the race. This is why we need different groups of people who are willing and able to look at both the short and long term possibilities with compromise and flexibility.


exactly! fix the problem at the source! fix the motivations, not just regulating the tool into oblivion.

and if your kid kills or harms someone with your gun you should face serious charges, including murder. not blaming marilyn manson and treating terrible parents like angels.

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