Join the tyt army - task force 2 - research & reporting

GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE!!! If you are like me, you are suffering the disappointment :cry: of Nina Turner’s loss in the OH-11 Special Election :ballot_box_with_ballot:. Well, we may have lost the battle, but we have not lost the war :boom:! With any luck, she will run again next year and show everyone of what she is made :muscle_flex:. In the meantime, it tells me we have a lot of work to do :computer:, especially with regard to the media :movie_camera:.
As you know the media :movie_camera: is particularly biased when it comes to progressives :bernie_fight_the_system:. It is our task to hold them accountable for this bias and push them in the direction of fairness. We must make sure they have all the facts:mortar_board: and relay those facts to the public:loudspeaker:. That’s where TF2 – Research and Reporting :books: comes in. I like to think we are the central hub :computer: of the TYT Army :alogo: as we provide the ammunition :gun: to fight back against the disinformation and propaganda. We research the issues, candidates, and/or fact check propaganda so that we have the information to combat :knockout: the media bias. It can be fun, interesting and quite the learning opportunity.
If you would like to be a part of the TF2 Research and Reporting :books: team, please join us in our mission to set the record straight.