Now what?

I give up tomorrow night and start playing Send In The Clowns then.

It will be proof positive that not only do we now not have a functional President, but a functional Party that could represent us

Oh, wait: he’ll be functional so long as it’s earlier than 8 PM…or he’s not forced to step down through an Article 25.

But have no fear of an Article 25, everybody! As he said in the Stephanopolous interview. he [effectively] gets a thorough neurological exam everyday!



I really really hope he messes up today’s interview spectacularly. The only way to push Biden to step down.


Trump and his MAGA cult are a stress test for America that we should be passing with flying colors. With Biden barricading himself in the Oval Office, WE ARE NOT BEING GIVEN A CHANCE TO EVEN TAKE THAT TEST. Biden and his coterie are at this point acting in a selfish manner and burning the house down. By denying an Open Convention and a CREDIBLE replacement ticket, the end of the American Experiment will be on THEM -not Trump.

The Biden ticket is not credible given:

  • his refusal to take a thorough neurological exam administered by a panel of independent doctors;

  • his stated admission that he will now be powering down at 8 PM;

  • the reams of blunders now queued up, waiting to be used; and

  • his poor polling when that blunder footage has not even been deployed yet in strategic advertising.

Zen koan: “Sometimes inaction is the highest form of action.”

Those Dem Congress members who are refusing to sign on to a deadline that he step aside or they switch to Independent, possibly even consider signing on to an Article 25, will only be complicit in the burning down of America’s house.

I am NOT saying an Open Convention and a replacement ticket solves the problem; I’m just saying that at this point it is the only one that has a chance. It is a risk we are now forced to take.

PS Dem Congress members who can threaten AND act on a unified exit to Independent: you have NO time left. To give a replacement slate a fighting chance and prep the Convention to be Open, you would have to act NOW…


Both parties are completely in the back pockets of the Corporate/Billionaire elite. Being a successful Venture Capitalist (or thus sold as one), the picking of Vance as VP must certainly put to rest any fears that the powerful donors in this country have about Trump, who proved himself to be a complete idiot during the Pandemic. The only thing that could bolster their support for the Biden administration is that his handlers are seen as being better prepared to handle a certain economic downturn, which many in the investment community are concerned about at this time happening far earlier than later. As for, what can we the people do, we have been taken completely out of the equation at this point. The only power that we seem to have is to show up to the polls in force and make sure that Trump experiences a landslide loss unlike any seen in History. Likewise, someone is going to need to hold the Supreme Court in check, while making sure that MAGA not only loses seats in the House, but some of them face legal reprucussions as well.

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With JD Vance as the VP, Dems have even more bad news. Even if the Dems win presidency in 2028, JD Vance will never certify the Dem win in 2028.


How the DNC plans to run out the clock for Biden

Last one out, please turn off the lights!


“Biden says it was ‘mistake’ to say he wanted to put ‘bull’s-eye’ on Trump during donor phone call”

Ya’ think??

Pretty embarrassing that the Dem Congress members STILL have not made a deadline for him in private…


Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super PAC backing Trump’s presidential run, according to people familiar with the matter.

Read our exclusive story:

If there are any donors left for democrats then those donors are the only people who can make Biden to drop out. Most senior Dems have given up on the election now. Only hope is that some Dem donors make Biden to step down. Plus Dems won’t have much corporate money as compared to Republicans flush with all this new money.

The donors who have had enough of Biden barricading in can promise funding for a limited time -a year?- of Congress members who try the Independent walkout threat done in unison. If it’s , say, just a group of 25 members, that would be quite the hammer.

[Agreeing to fund them for 2 years in their Congressional runs would be ideal. If there is a red wave, there won’t be much for them to do after that anyway …]

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That was my hope. I didn’t see the interview. I assume it wasn’t a disaster, given lack of media coverage, which is unfortunate.

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Biden talks about “the Elites” are asking him to get out. I would say it’s “the Owners” of the DNC that want him to stay in. They fear a loss of control and power if Biden gets replaced by a wildcard pick from an Open Convention.

A lot of Congress members know they are being asked by “the Owners” to commit political suicide doubling down to support a candidate that is no longer credible. With a red wave coming if there is no Open Convention (covering both cases of Biden or an annointment of someone else…), they have nothing to lose striking a deal for support from disaffected donors and see if Biden AND the Owners finally get it. If it comes to a walkout to Independent having to be executed, the Owners will be left with a mere shell of a Party…

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Dems Rearrange Deck Chairs on the Titanic…

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I watched the interview and it was very bad. He didn’t freeze or had gaffes the way he had during the debate. However he was completely delusional. Didn’t answered Lester’s questions, scolded Lester instead and deflected as usual. Plus when asked did he watched his debate performance he said he doesn’t need to he was there.

He doubled down on staying in the race. When asked about the state of his campaign and how behind they are, he said it is a very close contest. It was obvious he is very delusional and people saw it.

Our only hope is that the donors force him to step down now.

Ugh. Great… It’s crazy to me that the media can’t focus on more than 1 thing at once. Like Trump almost getting wacked is a huge story, but before that happened there non stop reporting on Biden. Why can’t the media report on both things? That media attention was a huge point of pressure on Biden, that’s now gone, and you’re right that our only hope is the god damn donors make him step down. What a nightmare this country is.

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Well, it’s not just him; it’s The Owners of the DNC who fear a loss of control if they were to sanction an Open Convention. There’s just no way you could pull off this

without the cooperation of The Owners of the DNC.

You have to convince them that an Independent walkout will do more to damage their brand than the risk of an Open Convention pick.

And if ALL the Dem Congress members (almost all?) think they have a political career after an attempted Biden election (or an annointment of someone else…), I’ll be seeing them on dark side of the moon!

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If, miraculously, they pull off getting an Open Convention, the rebels will need to secure a formal assurance from disaffected donors that they will get funded for any shortfall after the demand is met (because in all likelihood The Owners would still seek reprisals after they had been pushed back on…)

How to even convince them that 25 congress members will walk out to independents? Staying in the Dem party gets these people money from the PACs and donors. Even the progressives have dug themselves in and are strongly behind Biden.

Well, sorry to repeat myself; but they FIRST have to secure funding from disaffected donors for a 2 year run as Independents; then they make the demand in unison that he step aside (throw in that signing on to an Article 25 will also be on the table…)

If The Owners and Biden back down, their agreement with the disaffected donors would have to also cover shortfalls for funding in case The Owners retaliate after the showdown.

It won’t mean much to be funded by a Party/PACs that will lose to a Red Wave. The Owners will not be spreading it around at that point…

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My worry is the disaffected donors might just sit this election out OR worse go to republicans.