Now what?

Biden will call their bluff. They REALLY don’t want Kamala in power

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Anybody would be better than Biden for sure. But we need to find the best candidate who can actually win.

Yes 25th amendment should be used, however which member of Biden’s cabinet has enough guts to do it?

Another option is to have the Dems openly talk about this situation as elder abuse and openly ask Jill and Hunter Biden to ask Joe Biden to step down. Make them realize that this is really elder abuse. How many more years does Joe has left wouldn’t it make sense for him to spend it with the family.

based on what? every other hotshot keeps saying that but polling doesn’t show that. And there isn’t anyone actually stupid enough to commit political suicide running with Biden’s baggage. Please tell me which candidate you will like to run and provide me any evidence of them doing better than Biden against Trump-Vance ticket. I’ll wait

If they use 25th then the ticket would have to transfer to harris as the presidential nominee. Is that what you want? Not being snarky, just asking are you okay with that? is that the plan here?

The plan is to give a deadline in private; Biden backs down, we get the day saved. He doesn’t, we have nothing to lose with a wave and a loss of 2 houses. At that point, it’s just putting up what procedural fights they can in Congress…

If he backs down then we get Kamala on the ticket. I am asking are you okay with that outcome?

If she’s the pick of an OPEN Convention,and we get an honest consensus of that with an anonymous non-binding vote beforehand, I would live with it. I won’t stay home on Election Day, but given what they will unleash in advertising with all her previous poor communications, we will probably lose…