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What will it accomplish? Not that I wouldn’t like to see Twitter disappear (we’d all be better for it…), but what many don’t get is it was always discounted into Musk’s thinking that, worst case, he destroys Twitter. So in a way, that does not bother Musk.

Screwing him legally for using Twitter to manipulate markets is a more painful approach to get him to unload Twitter (Dobbs help the next entity that acquires it; it was never a money-maker…)

PS. Musk’s “impregnate Swift” comment? Besides being a dis to her, it was a pathetic attempt to change the topic of news discussion away from Trump’s horrific debate performance the night before, It failed miserably.

I can’t guarantee a Trump loss at this point, but Musk has a world of hurt coming at him if he loses.

Oh, and Elon: take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you REALLY think you are all that attractive? (not that life should be a beauty contest, but if you’re going to go to the place of talking about impregnating women…)

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It will take a better alternative; a working Mastodon Fediverse (which does not work well at the moment…)

The quality of info posted on Twitter is pretty poor. I myself prefer Medium articles, which tend to have better quality (hopefully they succeed in preventing AI bots from crapping that up!)

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I think IF Twitter were to go away or even if it became just a MAGA media thing that it would just be a better version of Truth Social. And I don’t mean better in what is said but better as in how good it is technically and the amount of people on it. And even if they did manage to “destroy” Twitter and make it go away; the MAGAts would still have all the other Social Media and stuff like 4chan to spread their crap


It appears that Musk is already killing X (aka: Twitter) and needs no help from anyone. The problem with the Internet as a whole, and this can be blamed on algorithms, is that everyone can get stuck in a Narrative of their own making. Trump, who always spoke at a third grade level, is actually shrinking cognitively, so you wonder when the third graders are going to start turning on the preschoolers, which now more accurately reflect Trump’s state of mind. I think that Musk is actually doing a beautiful job of giving this extreme decline the platform it deserves.

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