Open Convention

The roll call on the floor is binding. Seeing what the sentiment is before that vote is the point of the anonymous pre-vote. It gives people more courage to vote a certain way if they see a consensus exists for it.

FRANKLY, nobody will stand up to challenge Harris; but at the very least, this article psychologically prepares people as to what to expect in the months reamining.


I was referring to the fact that he was making few comments (for him!) while the back and forth with getting Biden to step aside was going on…

yeah I think that was because he knew the establishment had decided to push Biden out. I have a sneaking suspicion they might have set up the debate with him explicitly for that purpose. Media declares him the winner and dunks on Biden while they can use the ammo to push Biden out. I myself said he wasn’t firing on all cylinders in that debate. But trust me, the dude is a loose cannon. He ain’t disciplined. At all.

Yeah, he definitely could blow it. But it was rather surprising the way he kept quiet while the Biden fight was playing out! That means he can do it; not saying he is sure to though!

or maybe he was just tired running to and from courts. lol. I can tell you he just cannot shut up. If you poke him, he will rant. It is a guarantee

Well…he wasn’t ranting that week. With the Republican Party willing to do everything at his beck and call, it’s a very dangerous time for America. This might be the last semi-real election we see (and 2016 WAS a real one; they screwed around with the nominating process on the Dem side and got serious blowback for it…)

I don’t want to just count on him blowing it…

sure. but trying to act as if he is going to have it together is also a mistake. That debate was a one off. And i told you why i think he was quieter than usual. i never said that we should only focus on his rants. i am saying we shouldn’t behave like he will be rational. that is the mistake we made in 2916 - among other things. in 2020 we were able to successfully show him to be unhinged. We won. This election, i think people know these things. which is why him shutting up for 3 days wont matter much. our focus should be on voter turn out. 4 months is a lot of time for trump to not say dumb things. the problem is we have candidates (had Biden, now have K) who might upstage him in some ways in that department.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) is the lone holdout among Senate Democrats to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presidential nominee…Tester, one of the upper chamber’s most vulnerable Democrats, has called for an open primary process, deviating from the bulk of Dems who have rallied behind Harris’ candidacy. (Axios; link)

“Tomorrow you will be one of us…”
Invasion of the Body Snatcherrs (link)

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Thanks for the info I guess we know Obama’s VP pick for whoever the actual candidate is. He is quite right wing and a farmer. makes so much sense against Vance

The DNC has decided it’s going to go ahead with the virtual role-call starting tomorrow (Aug. 1) — completely unnecessary like Cenk has said dozens of times on air — and anoint Harris before the convention even happens. Whether or not you support Harris, I think this is a horrible precedent to not even wait until the convention to confirm the candidate.

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I am curious. Does this virtual roll call mean that the vote on the convention floor be counted as second vote? Or will they still count that as first. Because in 2016 after chivving Bernie, a rule was passed that superdelegates have too much influence and cannot be allowed to vote in the first round. So I am just wondering - is this a sleazy way to bypass that rule?

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Sleazy bypass; The Owners of the DNC want no surprises at the Convention. It makes the Convention a mere Infomercial…

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Nah, I meant a sleazy bypass to spring a surprise at the convention

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Remember when you said Trump is “restrained”? Did you watch his nonsensical rant with the interview with black journalists. I told you he is a lose canon. He just wont be able to help himself. And here we are. back with the “you are a nasty nasty woman” comments. Same old Trump to a T. That is his biggest achilles heel. I say invite him to more such interviews. Keep handing him the rope.


As I said on the Poll Watch thread: looks like his “handlers” are not handling him at the moment; might have to do with Bannon being in lockup…

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lol, and they wont be able to. He is a lose canon. They need him to be on air a lot and they cant stop him form running his mouth. Which is why I said, don’t worry, he will eventually go back to his past self. He doesn’t have the capacity to pull off a long con