Political Strategy Discussion

You also make many fair points. My thoughts though, rather than being focused on each thing, is more focused on the goal and strategy for political power in a more general sense, rather than for each of such specific issues.

Perhaps we could start other threads for a more detailed conversation focused on various issues, such as: economics, governance, etc. I’d probably enjoy discussing such specifics in another thread.

That said, perhaps I missed how your points related to your thoughts on strategy here. If you would clarify that, I’d strategize with you over the points.

Please forgive my post as what was supposed to be a post on strategy turned out to be a frustrated rant on government where you are correct many threads can be formed ie:

  • Tax reform
  • Term limits
  • Maximum age limits
  • compensation reform for elder statesmen.
    *How to make government pay back the social security loan which Bush Jr. borrowed to pay for war.
  • streamlining government and government spending…

As we can see from all the topics that has spawned from my rant, it all starts from the top. The heads of state. The decision makers. These things get addressed the Economy will fall in line.

Just a thought for a short term strategy. We all want the big ball of wax:
A Progressive president backed by a progressive Congress, with a progressive Supreme Court.

Has anyone thought maybe we are biting off more than we can chew? Maybe we should start attacking the problem by taking over local government.

Republicans would be helping as they want to empower governors more. We start winning local elections and governorships slowly making our way into the upper echelon of government.

Mayors and governors have a major influence on local economies and can make a great impact on local levels. For example. President Obama approved to allocate millions to a florida train line which was declined by the governor. That train line could have been completed by now making transportation easier boosting the local economy.


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Thanks for the reply, @eagle1 !

Regarding your question, are we biting off more than we can chew?; I’d answer not necessarily and point to your idea about winning locally as instrumental in order to reach the upper echelon of government. My point with this discussion is to frame a shared goal sufficiently, such that we can, as you have just done, allow the goal to implicitly and explicitly inform our broader discussions on strategies, instrumental goals, etc. You suggested affecting local government can build to national power, and move us towards a larger goal; you are already chewing. (Tangentially, here is an example of an organization following your suggestion).

The way I see it, we will need to address politics locally as you suggest, and we will also need to organize complementary if disparate objectives simultaneously. For instance, an organization affecting only local government is alone insufficient as an instrument for our ultimate goal, as is an organization affecting only national government, as are other individual organizations. What is needed is organized collaboration over as many aspects of naturally emergent initiatives as possible, including local initiatives, national initiatives, activists, academics, etc.

We don’t need to resolve our ultimate goal directly, nor can we; we can help to organize and coordinate all the interests which naturally emerge from the problem our ultimate goal resolves. We may also identify areas where work is lacking and share this information with relevant organizers. We may identify areas where collaborative organizations could better support each other. We could identify areas where collaborative organizations may be undermining each other (especially for potential unintended systemically complex results). There are many such benefits to wider collaborative organization, and those types of benefits are the types which I am arguing are needed most.

As an aside, you also make a statement about issues starting at the top; yet, I think my perspective is a bit different. I see these types of issues as not fully starting anywhere nor are they mostly determined by any one factor. I see these types of issues as complex, systemic, evolutionary, emergent, intrinsically interconnected, etc.

Hey Everyone, I just started a new topic in General Discussion > Economics and Society. This is where we can have the deep discussions about the best economic system for our society check it out.