[POLL]: Is Cenk behaving like the new Jimmy Dore?

lol, first of all like I said Biden never ran those kinds of camoagns in 2020 either.Nor in the primaries. So this argument remains moot.

As for why the party comes out and starts throwing you under the bus, there is a simple explanation - some lbby told them to. His polling numbers hadn’t changed. They were neck and neck. So what changed all of a sudden? Does that also mean that every time there is an election we are losing we are going to switch candidates in the middle of the race? The fact that he had ZERO capability to run the campaign was clear in the primaries. But they got him through that. And they were prepared to do so until suddenly they were. Their behavior isn’t explained by polling.

As for all the calculus - it is all hypothetical. If they had some new barak Obama in the wings who could sweep the voters of their feet with his sweet lies, it would make sense.But they don’t have one. So knocking off an incumbent, creating divisions in the party, making trouble for yourself by tying up your funding, putting it in a pac where it is more expensive to run all ads (as compared to running them from the ticket), taking a gamble on a person who imploded in primaries in 2020 and had the least support of all contenders back then - makes ZERO sense.

The media only acted on what they were told to act on by the establishment. They didn’t change Biden because he imploded in the media, the media was allowed to implode him because the establishment wanted to change him. So basically your argument is, establishment decided to implode him, tey have decided they wont do it to kamala and we must accept this? We disagree because people hate this nonsense elite politcking, And voters will too, no matter how much you try to justify it with numbers that don’t show what you are talking about