Rationale for Top 3 Pieces of Legislation

Wonderful - thanks everyone! I pinned the three topics and am going to add an explanation to each so that it’s hopefully self-explanatory to any newcomers. @here


NVM on me adding an explanation. Looking at them again, I think they should be good as is. Thanks a mill @over9000!


I try to help with the minutes I manage to wrestle free. Hopefully people start throwing some input on it, it seems things have slowed the momentum we had. Keep rockin everyone!

Howdy all :slight_smile: Given we will focus on one of these three, and assuming we would like me to share which of these three options I would think we should focus on…

I think anti-corruption is the priority. Other politics are swimming against that current. Political gains outside of anti-corruption are impermanent, even with unwavering defense, and despite any precedent. I think focusing on anti-corruption is a key which will empower all the other necessary objectives. Also, anti-corruption is a unifying political theme (left to right). I added more of my questions on how we might focus on anti-corruption in that specific thread. I don’t intend to add much to the other two options’ threads.

To mention the other two options…

Paid Family Leave, assuming it passes, I would expect some achilles heel of corruption. Perhaps some political betrayal would let it expire without renewal, or perhaps it would be overruled, or perhaps it would be cut, or perhaps it would be slowly chipped away, etc. Given such eventualities, sure, when it happens the establishment would look bad; but such is their nature. And our institutions would fail further; such is their function.

Immigration reform, basically the same as previous, except, if passed it would be even more fleeting. Should this pass it could rally popular opposition, and I doubt its breadth of popular support outside of our own political faction. Even if passed, it would not prevent, and in fact would empower, organized reactive political efforts to abuse migrants in ever more creative ways. Should this pass, when it is cut, it would be missed less than Paid Family Leave would be missed, and would so be of even less political salience. I guess the silver lining I see is that when cut it wouldn’t further degrade the legitimacy of our “democracy” as much as a cut to Paid Family Leave would.

Hopefully my frankness is not too harshly worded. Whatever we do, I will help. I would rather we made progress on anti-corruption. The most convincing argument with which I can persuade myself to work on something other than anti-corruption, is how our goal can help us build momentum, in order to progress on anti-corruption. The second such argument would be that I’m a fool, and we will succeed despite my opinions.

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I asked chatGPT to give us a summary of these three options with a eye toward critical path, and the fact we have few funds / many volunteers.

The Paid Family Leave Legislation presents a critical path that aligns with the goal of achieving impactful change within budget constraints. Leveraging enthusiastic volunteers to drive community engagement, raise awareness, and advocate for the legislation can significantly amplify the impact of the initiative. This option not only addresses a fundamental societal need but also fosters a sense of community involvement, making it a compelling choice for a limited budget with robust volunteer support.

Opting for the Compassionate Integration and Inclusive Immigration Act represents a strategic choice for impactful change within budget constraints. This legislation not only addresses the pressing need for comprehensive immigration reform but also emphasizes the well-being of asylum seekers and refugees. Leveraging volunteers to facilitate community integration, provide support services, and advocate for compassionate policies can create a powerful grassroots movement. The inclusive nature of this initiative aligns with community values, making it a compelling option for impactful change on a limited budget.

Choosing the Transparent Governance and Corruption Prevention Act offers a strategic pathway to combat corruption and reshape political financial practices. This legislation, incorporating features inspired by the Sunshine Act and Spotlight Act, ensures transparency and accountability in the interactions between politicians and industry stakeholders. Engaging volunteers in advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and collaborative efforts with oversight bodies can amplify the impact of the initiative. By targeting the root causes of corruption, this option presents a comprehensive approach for impactful change within budget constraints.


While all three options have their merits, the Paid Family Leave Legislation may strike the best sweet spot between feasibility and costs to overcome static inertia. Its bipartisan appeal, coupled with the universal recognition of the need for family support, could lead to a more straightforward path for implementation. The relatively lower costs, both administratively and in terms of public perception, make it a feasible option to overcome static inertia and bring about meaningful change. However, the final decision should consider the specific context, local political dynamics, and the level of community support for each option.


You did good work leveraging AI :slight_smile: AI concludes with PFL, though I would place it as my runner up.

Perhaps my dissent is based on anticipating political trends. Because I think our ex-president tiny-hands will be reelected as emperor, we could expect anti-corruption will become even more popular, especially among those I assume are not typically pro-anti-corruption. More specifically, I think anti-corruption is relatively popular among the independent center and both tails of political spectrum, while typical party moderates prefer and maintain the status quo; I would expect the power to maintain the status-quo could buckle under the next administration, and then that we could leverage the anti-corruption political winds.

However, assuming static inertia (as what I think AI is referring to), then rather than focusing on the near future, it is talking about passing a legislation with a (kind of) timeless perspective. In this way I might more agree PFL is feasible (if still strategically questionable). (PS. this reminds me of @fourthwall_dragon’s thread on understanding power dynamics; power is not static).

Given all that, I would want to know what our anticipated timeline for our project is. If we expect to get something done before the next administration, then that is how I might more agree with AI on PFL. However, since I don’t expect something that fast (given these three options), I’m still more inclined to prefer anti-corruption.

But, what timeline do we actually expect?

And, would we agree anti-corruption political winds could soon be at our backs?

(Bonus: can we ask what AI makes of such considerations?)

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Thank you all @here for weighing in on the three pieces of legislation. We’d love to hear from more people so that we can then distill it all down into one short summary for each piece. Check out the three separate convos here: Operation Hope - TYT Discussion Boards


I think part of it has to do with the complexity around the corruption bills. So I had it do a analysis of implementation: Operation Hope - Anti Corruption/Campaign Finance - #16 by enduser I’m not sure if this will help us? It came up with some mundane and some good ideas at the same time in my opinion.

I think it’s good to consider the political tide and the headwinds for sure. I think it’s also smart to be somewhat flexible with which of these 3 were actually pushing. Maybe if one of the 3 has an opening. We shift course real quick?


Agreed, we have to be dynamic here. Let’s try to get each of the 3 ideas down to either one focus or 2 distinct separate ones. We’ll be primed to take action, and have backups if something becomes untenable.
I’m of the mind that a small start is better right now, something that will garner support from all sides and actually pass quickly. Never very likely in congress, but possible.


Hey everyone @here - thanks for keeping the conversation going! Do you think we could shoot for getting one of the pieces of leg. drafted by this Thursday so I can give some feedback for moving forward before the holiday?

Here’s a template:

LEGISLATION: Paid Family Leave

WHAT: Include a link either to leg. that has been introduced before, or provide a brief statement about what it should be if no leg. drafts exist (no more than 3 sentences if possible)

WHERE: Federal, State, or Local (provide specifics if necessary in 3 sentences or less)

WHY: In 3 sentences or less, explain why we should focus on this. Assume we all know why it’s important for society. The question is: Why is this the best strategic move?

P.S. Just do your best and enjoy the process!


Well we didn’t quite pull it together by Thursday. There are bills for anti corruption and for paid family leave that have been introduced by senators, I put links to them in the topic discussions. I’ll take another look at immigration reform.


Thank you!


LEGISLATION: Comprehensive Family Well-being and Workplace Harmony Act

WHAT: The Comprehensive Family Well-being and Workplace Harmony Act aims to establish a federal paid family leave policy in the United States. The legislation proposes to provide eligible employees with a certain amount of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child, serious illness of a family member, or the individual’s own health condition.

WHERE: Federal level in the United States.

WHY: This federal legislation is a strategic move as it addresses a universal need for paid family leave, providing a consistent policy across states. It supports workplace harmony by acknowledging the importance of work-life balance and family well-being. A federal approach ensures equitable access for all employees, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

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LEGISLATION: Spotlight Act

WHAT: The Spotlight Act seeks to enhance transparency in tax-exempt organizations by repealing a specific Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revenue procedure (Rev. Proc. 2018-38). It mandates the disclosure of substantial contributors (persons contributing more than $5,000 per year) by tax-exempt organizations falling under sections 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.

WHERE: Federal level in the United States.

WHY: The Spotlight Act is strategically important as it addresses a specific gap in financial transparency, particularly within tax-exempt organizations. By requiring the disclosure of substantial contributors and making this information accessible to the public, it strengthens accountability and provides a crucial tool in the fight against corruption. This legislation aligns with broader anti-corruption efforts, ensuring consistent disclosure standards across relevant tax-exempt entities.

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LEGISLATION: Compassionate Integration and Inclusive Immigration Act

WHAT: The Compassionate Integration and Inclusive Immigration Act is designed to comprehensively reform immigration policies in the United States. While no specific draft is referenced, the legislation would likely encompass provisions for a more inclusive and humane immigration system, addressing issues such as pathways to citizenship, asylum processes, and family reunification.

WHERE: Federal level in the United States.

WHY: This comprehensive immigration reform is strategically significant as it addresses a pressing and multifaceted issue with far-reaching societal impacts. By advocating for more compassionate immigration policies, the legislation aligns with the values of inclusivity and social justice, contributing to a more equitable and harmonious society. Strategically, it positions the progressive cohort as champions of humane and pragmatic immigration solutions, appealing to a broad base of support.


I can reform any of the above or add more detail. I read through it and I would say I agree with much of what is said with the language used. This will be partly my bias due to my context windows producing this, so please chime in if have any comments.

To be clear the above are GPT generated.

Hey everyone @here - I see the conversations are blossoming. Just checking in to see what the status is in being able to provide a concise summary for one of the three pieces of legislation. See my original post here with a template for that.

Let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. I hope you had / are having a nice holiday!


I say we start with Paid Family Leave it is likely less complex than the other two.


It’s likely the least complicated and least controversial of the top 3 we voted on. It is something impactful that’s popular across the aisle and, as discussed in the individual thread on it, has had legislation introduced but was wrapped in numerous problems.
I’m sure it’s a standard framework, looks to be fairly well written, but I think it’s in desperate need of real civilians’ input instead of lawmaker bubble filtering. The amount of aid will be questionable depending on the region of the recipient, a common problem with federal programs.
It appears member involvement has dispersed a bit from this collective effort. Hopefully this is due to the crunch of holidays. Keep it moving if you want a movement, we’ve got this!