Reaching an older audience?

What about a print version of the Progress Report as a segway to a full newspaper?

Also, I have felt for a long time that we need a local TYT team everywhere we can get one. Same TYT style, but entirely local. I know WAY easier said than done :grimacing:


I had been thinking about wider even national news, since that could be not too difficult to editorialize from adaptation of other TYT products / operations. Because, I agree, local news products would take much more work; journalists on the ground.

Though, we could surely find many college students interested in this kind of network of local news work. And if we did connect local news operations into a larger network, then perhaps some tasks could be more efficient, than just wholly disparate local news operations would be.

There could also be many benefits potentially tied into such an endeavor. More and better journalism in general, for instance. Then also how such a network connecting college students could be useful, like for activism.


Reaching older folks is a great topic, I’ve always said, “let’s get together and pitch in for billboards!” Because old people drive. We start in high density population centers then spread some in rural red area. The mention of the newsletter made me think i could probably print some out and start handing out. Also, i buy stickers and stick them places! We need TYT bumper stickers too and for all members to start sporting them on their vehicles! :heart::heart::heart:


Sticker game is huge especially if you have a rotating variety of different designs that get retired.


I am an older guy, 67, that has had it with “college activism” and their idiot passions.
If today’s youth don’t wise up, they will be looking up at a China-man looking down at them and forcing their labor with the barrel of a gun. And letting the idiot’s do all that damage to cities up North, Seatlle, California, and following a crook tied to China, ol Prostitute Joe as he calls himself, and no freedom of speech for conservatives at Universities, I am sure you all are soo informed with yourselves. Give me a break, stay humble Pleeeaase!

Welcome to the community martinlo1 :slight_smile:


I do understand being frustrated, and even somewhat alarmed with some of the problems looming on our horizon. Having a conversation about it can be challenging, but most of the 60-70 year old people I’ve spoken with in the last 5-6 years have at least given me more perspective and a chance to share facts that aren’t widely broadcast.
I agree with the physical print aspect for reaching an older audience. Could start with a single page flyer maybe? It would be hard to decide exactly how to focus the content, but it would minimize costs and make distribution easier. Lots of grocery stores and gas stations have free publications at the door.

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I think younger people should make the effort to reach out to them. The can’t bridge the gapped alone so there must be reciprocity. We must recapture them if possible. While the gap can’t be bridged alone the initiative is held by the youth.


Take 1-2 steps outside the comfort zone. Start a conversation with someone older than you who you don’t know when you’re out in public, simply with a “good morning” or “hi, how’s it going.”
Worst case scenario is you turn around and walk away, try not to let things get heated.


Ya know, on a local level, it might behoove the Progressive candidates to visit ALL the retirement communities and senior centers. Seniors have issues and time to talk your ear off about 'em.
I literally live across the TN border from MTG’s district and I constantly want to go just talk to people and ask them why they voted for her and if she’s doing the job they asked her to do. I’m pretty sure a Progressive could get elected, but they’d have to get the full support of the people. They’d have to turn the people against Marje; which seems to be getting easier if you read the reviews of her book, MTG. I’ve met people from Rome who don’t seem as flaky as a basket of biscuits, I think they can be persuaded.


I do think it is time for Justice Independents maybe?


That’s a fantastic idea! Everything can grossed with baby steps :slight_smile:

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100% when we hear “they can’t be reached, they’re lost” I’m like yeah… they’re lost because we stopped reaching


You are killing it with the great ideas, and this is super easy to do!


Right!? We seriously need a 3rd party with some teeth but 3rd parties are difficult to get behind. I mean look at what a hot mess the left has turned into, would we fair any better as a 3rd party? We need at least 6 or 7 parties to have a robust debate on everything but I definitely hear your point and maybe that can be the next endeavor once TYT is on solid ground again.


I hate to say it but I lean more with Cenk on this when it comes to the “Boomers”. Most of them have their minds made up and there is nothing you can do to change it. That is not to say we should not try tho. I’m a Gen X same age as Cenk and talk to as many Boomers as I do Millennials. I found the trick with them is to NOT say which party the idea is from till after they hear it and tell me how they feel on the issue. Most of the time they agree with us.


This is the way Matt Dillahunty deals with his atheism… if you start with the label, then the other party will start assigning their own prejudices onto your label. and work as a bad start… if they get to know the person, get to know their common ground as @Galphar mentions, and the label comes after then a prejudice can be shattered and maybe, just maybe, people will then take stereotypes for what they are: just a starting point.


Hi , I am Jack , and am one of those older seniors that used to consume corporate media. Luckily , in 2018 ,my TV broke, and I turned to mostly Youtube and found many different views , including TYT. I’m almost 71 years old and have veered more progressive than conservative as I get older. Now I follow TYT , Kyle & Krystal, the Humanist Report, the Useful Idiots, Mehdi Hasan’s ZETEO , the PM George Galloway’s MOATS {the mother of al talk shows } , Jon Stewart {of course } and Al jizeera English . Oh, and Democracy Now is pretty good. So, I have a variety of sources not tied to mainstream media. I like your ideas Cheers, Jack Callahan


Thanks for the tips; I’ll definitely check these sources out. I’m excited to see what’s on Zeteo tomorrow. If Medhi got Ayman Mohyeldin and Nina Turner, I’d be the happiest girl in the world! :blush:


Dear Andrea , I just watched Mehdi’s interview on Zeteo , and it was excellent. Another source I forgot to mention is a fellow Muslim of Mehdi , Marc Lamont Hill. He was at CNN for a stretch and is very vocal against Israeli policy. I also subscribe to The Guardian from the UK and they do very good reporting , especially of US policies. Take care, Jack