Temporary Space For Movement Growing Here

This is likely unneccesary, but it is nice to have a home for one’s things: The Fair Democracy Space. It’s likely that the community will be in the TYT forums for some time yet, but as the movement grows, we’ll have our own space to transition to.

I will make another space for the prominent members and leaders of the movement to post articles and promote their blogs, books, reports, essays, or other media. The URL will be democracy-endures.space . Just message me if you are interested in writing for or would like to promote your works and get set up at the Democracy Endures Space.

The Fair Democracy Space is currently down. I accidentally killed it when I was trying to set up subdomains, as I am trying to set it up so any particular community or movement can have their own subdomain forum at The Fair Democracy Space.

It’s so frustrating to try to set up websites to have useful functionality. Hosting services are always “Here’s everything you need to set up a store, and setup has been made simple for you.” and then one will be like “I would like to setup something else.”, and then the hosting service immediately responds “Frak you and the horse you rode in, freeloader!”

Sometimes (I mean all the time), I REALLY hate capitalism.