The DNC Gets CAUGHT Trying To Force Through Biden's Nomination

You’re missing coverage of a plot point, Cenk. The time for an Open Convention call is passing this week. Credible alternative slates would need to ramp NOW. They would need to get together their pitches, announce, and line up assurances for donor amounts if they were to win the Convention pick. Yeah, pretty clear that Biden is out; but at best, it’s a rig for Harris (so that Biden/Harris DNC deal assurances can remain intact…)

There’s no way you could convince me that Harris would survive a non-binding anonymous round of votes (see here -link- for a Convention vote method to circumvent intimidation…) Let’s have that vote and prove me wrong!

I was going to zip my lip until Biden stepped aside; but it’s pretty clear it’s about to happen (at this point he’s just sadly clutching for straws and fighting it until the bitter end…)

So the decided inaction to not IMMEDIATELY FORCE him out (and don’t tell me he can’t be; a group can threaten to walk out to Independent…), my read on the foot dragging and evident running out of the clock for the chance to have an Open Convention by Dem Congress members is that we are witnessing a rigging for Harris so that the DNC can keep their deals intact with Biden/Harris through Harris. A new slate would upend them (not that I care; I just want a candidate that won’t result in a dictator! -and if you run Harris, you won’t be getting that…)

How can you watch this series of HORRIBLE messaging by her and actually believe she would be received well by no-nonsense people??

The Repubs haven’t even begun to put her kaka out there yet with saturation media advertising! What’s your counter plan for that? Just say they’re racist??

Are we now going to have a meaningless “vote of conscience”?

“We know she will not pull off an electoral win, but hey: she SHOULD!” So we’ll be there after we are presiding over a Trump plane wreck to go: “See? Shoulda’ gone with Harris!”

There will be nothing left after another Trump term.

Let her pitch at the Convention; if she wins a first-round non-binding anonymous vote (link), I’ll say vote for her. And the only way she could pull that off is if her speaking style were to be instantly possessed by the spirit of MLK -NOT going to happen! Even if she were to go off and train to do that, the fact that it’s not normally the way she communicates, it would be perceived as a phony move. The time for her to change her communication style was three years ago!

IDK, but I think superdelegates dont geenrally vote in the 1st round of an open convention. Thats the rule. They have too much sway so they have to wait

First of all, with all due respect- calm your tits. Yes Turmp wouldn’t be great but stop being apocalyptic.
Second, yeah, the ads against her would be bad. Her word salads are fun but what is going to be Especially damaging is when they start bringing out her truancy law enforcement and what not.
Kamala has all the cluelessness of Biden without the excuse of age. Why would you replace Biden with her? It makes no bloody sense.
I know the money is tied with the Biden-Harris ticket. But either just run the ticket or get rid of both and start from scratch (which would be bad at this stage). Plus, if they wanted to anoint kamala, why all the waiting around? Just use the 25th, and bam she is president and the nominee. The whole shenanigans is BECAUSE they DONT want her in power for whatever reason.
This whole thing makes ZERO sense., And either way, Voters arent going to get a voice, so what is the point?

What a relief! It will be fun.

I can’t wait until 2028 when we pick up our scratch ballots at the 7-11, and it goes into a machine that says: “ONCE AGAIN: TRUMP IS WINNER!” Yeah, by then term limits will be abolished by a Repub-controlled Senate and House.

[You will note on my Policy Points thread that I advocated for auditing of votes by open source software; proprietary voting software is ridiculous!]