The Place To Talk About The Economy

Welcome to the topic where we discuss all things related to business, finance, wall street, banking, and economics. This can be local, national, or international. This isn’t restricted to current topics, high level, abstract topics are welcomed. Think of this as a sort of think tank for economics.

With all the talk of the Fed raising rates, I ask this question: Is it good for our economy to allow the Fed to adjust rates as often as they do?

We need to stop using the unemployment rate as a term of art politically. It was always a tool for economist and it has some big well known flaws.

These flaws if you don’t know many use this rate to argue points that erroneously under report the statistic due to the fact that those that drop for long enough are no longer counted. Labor force participation must also be considered in this calculation.

The difference is even larger in rural areas due to common practice of cash work, and fewer job opportunities.

Whew its been a minute lol. Here’s a big question: Our economy is based on the exchange of currency for goods and services. Removing corruption from the equation, is this the best way to ensure G&S are distributed effectively and efficiently?

FYI: Mentioned on a separate topic with more narrow focus:

Also, had a more general discussion of the Economy here:

(frankly, I think the title of that topic is funnier and cooler, no?)

I could have mentioned the Corporate Tax Rate election issue under that forum topic, but it’s so important I did not want people missing it. It could decide this election, with corporate media scaremongering in play…

MODERATOR: combine the posts of these two topics…