Updating Lichtman's Keys Based on Media, Social, and Cultural changes Indicates an Overwhelming Trump Victory

thank you!. I have been saying that when it is incumbents, it doesn’t usually matter who is on the ticket. Most people vote based on how they feel the past 4 years have been . That feeling isn’t good. So the only other thing to win the election is driving voter turnout. Which I am not sure they will be able to do if the party remains fractured, they arent able to calesce behind one candidate and people remain angry at what they are doing and who they are picking and how. Voter base is one thing, but right now even the politicians and the establishment is split. Atleast in 2016, the establishment was backing one candidate. Day by day this looks to be more of a disaster.

I believe for that either the pick has to be very charismatic or has to be a total lampstand with ZERO personality so people don’t like him but also don’t hate him. Which I still believe wont be enough to drive out the vote. Which is WHY they should have held a primary or they should consider a sort of unity ticket with someone close to progressive on that ticket. But they will rather hand over the election than do that.
So they will screw their funding, increase the cost of running ads and still get someone no better (or barely better) than Biden. How does that make any sense?

@wrongturn I am hoping that if SOMEONE (like maybe Cenk) can point out that if the Democrats do not start Coalition building, they are dead in the water. That is why I wrote a report, with analytical reasoning, justification and references (citations). Hand out the tool needed to help get the message out. Unfortunately, Cenk is just as likely to look at my report as the establishment Democrats are likely to listen to anything Cenk might say. I and other smart people like me can hold out the key, but if nobody takes up the key, nothing doing.

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I think Francesca mentioned it in the video where they addressed AOC’s video after the convention. I haven’t heard them mention it elsewhere.

I do think they will build a coalition - once they have the person they REALLY want on the ticket on the ticket. I don’t think its going to be Kamala. The way the whole thing seems to me is that uniparty is at work again, They seemed to have worked to get Joe out. Dems creating the hysteria and Trump cooperating with the debate. And they will do so with Kamala too. Dems putting a show of unity and Repubs launching the attacks. Then we will have an actual candidate and then we can start talking about coalitions. Again, that is just what I think. lets see

  • Right now the Party is ecstatic that the Biden bleed-out has stopped; we’ll see how polling goes after the Convention, when the Repubs lock+load on her with saturation media advertising. With Big Oil on board, they will have MULTIPLES of whatever the Dems have

  • The book is written; she has the delegates to be a shoe in. Now we’ll see now how the electoral polling goes up to Election Day. [Hearing her cackle-laugh AGAIN TODAY, I’m not optimistic!]

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First Hillary and now Kamala. I dont like that this kind of thing affects voting but it does. Can someone please hure a laugh trainer for the Dem party?

She should have started working on it 3-4 years ago, as soon as she got seated as the VP

I dont think anyone told her. Remember it was heavily implied we are misogynistic if we dislike Hillary’s laugh

Yeah, and we’re racist if we don’t like Harris’ laugh.

This reminds me of a very funny poster they had for Key and Peele; they had the two of them sitting in swivel chairs, smiling at the camera. Next to them was the copy: “Key and Peele. If you don’t like it, you’re racist.”

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yeah and they are goign to try the same shit to win votes for Harris. Someone needs to tell them people are sick of this nonsense. Stop giving us more things to hate, give us something to look forward to