Weekly Topic for Operation Joy

I love that you do that! Seriously, smiling at strangers and having simple, friendly interactions go a long way. You never know what another person is going through, and even a small kindness can often go a long way. :heart:

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I’m so happy to announce that Morgan was born today. I’m at a total loss for words.


OMG, she is absolutely perfect! Congratulations to you and your beautiful wife. Aw, is she holding Daddy’s finger? :heart:


Kid has a grip like a bear trap.


The fact that you took time to share this with us means so much!!! Thank you and congratulations!!!


Congratulations!! That’s wonderful news. I hope you’re able to cherish this time with your new addition to the family, I know things can get crazy having a newborn but it’s also a beautiful life moment.


Here is a small entry for Operation Joy. My friend , David, helps me out once a week since I don’t have a car anymore and can only get out if my chronic pain is at a lower level. He regularly will bring lunch , takes out my empty boxes { I get delivered food and medicine ] and if I need to go to the pharmacy , he’ll take me as I need to go in person to sign for opioids. So I said let me cook for you in a couple of days , I feel well enough to cook. Now, I used to cook all the time and felt a little apprehension because I hadn’t cooked a lot recently. We went to the store late afternoon and I got everything prepared. I knew that he is a fish eater and I already had snapper fillets in the fridge. With a glass of Provencal Rosé, I made a green salad with balsamic vinaigrette, baked red snapper with leeks , garlic , San Marzano tomatoes and small red potatoes . I was hurting a little bit for standing 2 hours, but I couldn’t care less. I was happy to provide a small token of appreciation and he was ecstatic with receiving a home cooked meal. I was full of joy. Jack Callahan


Aw, I’m so happy you had a had such a great night, you deserve nothing but joy every day! How fun to hear your story on the bonus episode. Hope to see you tomorrow! :heart:

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I surprised my mother-in-law with today’s Team Joy clip.

Her response:

“Oh my gosh of my gosh of my gosh that was amazing!!! I’m so moved and impressed with your words and kindness. Thank your thank you thank you”



Bart needs to start playing this song between the Main Show and Bonus Episode on Tuesdays for Operation Joy


Thanks, Andrea , I really had a great time. To think I used to do this all the time with friends. I’m so happy I can do it in a. smaller capacity. Take care, Jack


Yes! I love this! About 25 years ago, my friend and I entered the building containing the administrative offices of our employer. Sam greeted the maintenance guy by his first name and they had a brief conversation. I later told Sam it was cool that he took the time to get to know the maintenance guy. He said, “it’s not cool, it’s just normal.” From that day to this, I have made it my mission to seek out opportunities to engage with people that most ignore: secretaries, maintenance workers, mail carriers, etc. It is striking of often they express surprise at being noticed for who they, not just the service they are providing. They love it, and I love being the catalyst for that positive experience. And the experience is equally positive for me. In fact, my community of friends includes many whom I encountered under such circumstances.


Oh man! She is adorable! So happy for the two of you, and honored to be among the folks you are sharing your joy with.


That’s awesome Jack. I am happy that you have someone who provides so much friendship and support. You deserve that, and much more, brother.


For me, there’s nothing better than seeing someone experiencing joy, and knowing I caused it. Awesome!


Love it! Great song, and I love the fact that they used the Flintstone.

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I just thought it fit when it popped up on my playlist last night lol. They did a whole album of old cartoon theme remakes back in the 90’s: Saturday Morning: Cartoons' Greatest Hits - Wikipedia
There is also a School House Rock one from around the same time I have
Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks - Wikipedia


On Thanksgiving 2021, I woke up manic in an episode of psychosis. I had never experienced this before and was not yet diagnosed with Bipolar 1. It hit like a ton of bricks, and no one initially understood what was going on.

As a single mom of three, the effects were devastating for my family. CPS ultimately stepped in, and my children went to live with my mother temporarily. I spent months alone in a psychotic state. (No drugs involved aside from cannabis.)

As a member and daily viewer for years, especially as this took place nearing the “end” of the pandemic, TYT felt like some of my only friends. As a result, my delusions heavily involved TYT and Hasan. I spent months tweeting and commenting on various platforms and even DMing hosts. (Iykyk.)

Eventually, I was able to see a psychiatrist. I was extremely lucky; the first med they put me on jolted me back to reality in less than a week. After several months, I was able to get my kids back. A year later, we moved into a beautiful home and I found a job that I love which enables me to WFH. We are stable, together, and healthier than ever.

For a long while, I couldn’t engage in politics or watch TYT. It was too triggering. But I’ve been back for about a year now and recently became a member again. I love you guys, and I want to offer my sincerest apology for any stress I may have possibly caused.

I now have hope and joy again. :heart: Thank you.


Hey Anthony , great to hear from you . Yes , years ago I had some friends that enjoyed cooking for each other and drinking wine. This made me get out of my bubble and provide happiness for someone that helps me out . Hope to see you soon! Jack


Hey, Team Joy friends. I was so overjoyed on Sunday that I could barely express myself so I wanted to give you a proper update on baby stuff.

First off, my wife is a warrior. Her water broke at 11 and the baby was born at 2:40. She wasn’t messing around. She’s sore and exhausted but doing so well.

Morgan is such a great baby. She kept us awake around the clock for the first couple of days. She quickly decided to be super chill by day 3. She sleeps soooo much and only fusses when she’s hungry (I feel that).

The only issue we are having is that Morgan seems to have better than average grabbing ability and is obsessed with my beard. When I bottle feed her, she gets a good fistful. It’s so adorable.

Love you all (Cenk too, though I feel I need to level up my dad-joke game to compete).