Weekly Topic for Operation Joy

I totally get that! I come from a long line of adults that are really just big kids, and it makes being a parent so much fun. If I am lucky enough to be a grandma, I’ll get to do it all over again (and probably with way less eye rolls :joy:).

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Here’s a copy in case anyone is interested. Maybe some week I’ll post one that is filled out.:blush::heart:

1.) Do Something that Makes You Happy:

2.) Do Something Nice:

3.) Reject Judgement:

4.) Find Something I Love About Myself:

5.) Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Mistake:

6.) Chose Your Perspective:

7.) Choose to be Happy:

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Just watched the Bonus Episode and appreciate the shoutout from @cenkuygur! I’m glad you like the checklist Cenk and I’m happy to make a template (OF COURSE!!).

Thanks @drea_m_r_76 for already posting a blank version of the checklist. :heart: I started working on a text-based and Google Sheet version of it before I saw you already did one. I’ll still post what I have here in case anyone wants to use it.

TEXT To-Do list. You can just copy and paste this text into a new message right here in the discussion board if you want and add any notes or emojis you want.

  1. Do something that makes me happy.
  2. Do something nice for others.
  3. Start rejecting judgement.
  4. Find something I love about myself.
  5. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake.
  6. Choose the perspective that’s right for me.
  7. Choose to be happy.

Emojis you could use if you want (or use none or your own!)

  • I did it! :white_check_mark:
  • I didn’t this week, but maybe next week! :negative_squared_cross_mark:
  • I was close :pinching_hand:
  • etc.

GOOGLE SHEET To-Do list. Here’s a Google Sheet version. Just click on the link and it will create a new copy in your Google account. You can click a checkmark for each action you did, and add any notes you want. This can just be for yourself, or you can share your link in here if you want people to see it.

Hope this is useful! I’m going to start doing one more regularly because it really does help me when I do. :smiley:

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As an artist and an astrophysicist I already knew what STEM is, but I prefer STEAM. :smiley:

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This is amazing; thank you! :heart:

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Here’s my checklist for the past week, I think I more or less succeeded in all of them for a change!

    • Do something that makes me happy. My wife and I went to a comedy show for the first time in about 10 years. It was tons of fun!
    • Do something nice for others. Loaded the dishwasher even after my wife said she’d do it (but didn’t, oops).
    • Start rejecting judgement. My father-in-law was bad-mouthing public schools, so basically indirectly judging our choice to send her to one. Instead of accepting his negative judgment, I pushed back with info about why vouchers and charter schools don’t work.
    • Find something I love about myself. I love that I give back to my community through volunteering and donations, both online and in-person.
    • Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. I posted a comment disagreeing with Cenk about trans athletes. Maybe it’s silly but sometimes I’m worried he or Ana will get upset if I post something that disagrees with them.
    • Choose the perspective that’s right for me. Instead of being 100% anti-Harris, because she’s an establishment Dem, I’m choosing to give her a chance now that she’s named the progressive Tim Walz as her VP pick.
    • Choose to be happy. It’s a beautiful sunny day. I’m doing a presentation for work later today and am choosing to have a positive attitude!

:clap::clap::clap: Good for you–you did them all! You had fun, stood your ground, and chose to see things from different perspectives, which is awesome. Thank you for sharing. :blush:

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I’m happy a progressive got picked to be the VP candidate today! Didn’t see that coming. I’ve been joyous all day because of it.


Yes, I wasn’t expecting that… Well, he’s still a centrist but in the USA that’s practically radical. big sigh I think I’m more relieved than joyous. As left as I am, it’ll take a lot more than that to make me joyous. I hope this shows some restraint in giving it all away to the reactionary right. (Something Dems tend to do all too happily.)


America woke up this morning, checked their phone, and breathed a sigh of relief.


I guess I’ll share, especially because that now means we’ll have a Native American woman as the Governor of Minnesota!


Thanks for sharing Gov. Walz with the rest of us. As they say, sharing is caring! :smiley:

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Cenk, I’m really touched by you doing the segment about the checklist I made (which is really just a version of what you talked about a few weeks ago). It’s mind-blowing to me that you actually have used the Google doc yourself!

It brought me a lot of joy to hear you and Yaz talking about it, about your own experiences, and to think that the checklist could maybe play a small part in someone else’s path to joy, too. :slight_smile:


For anyone wondering what the “Checklist” is; I made a post over on the TYT Discord with the 7 points and pinned it for easy use here:


Thanks Galphar! Here’s also the link again to the spreadsheet Cenk mentioned in case anyone’s interested in doing it that way.

You can just click on the link and it will create a new copy in your Google account. :slight_smile:


My Team Joy shirt came today! Thanks TYT for appreciating and sharing my story. Joy begets joy.


Yay!!! So glad you got it!


That’s awesome! :clap::clap::clap:

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Congrats on getting your shirt! And thanks for sharing your inspiring story.

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Okay, just a warning: This story is stupid, but it makes me happy so I’m sharing it anyway

Early this spring, a crow started showing up at my workplace, easily identified by his broken leg. I’ve named him Russell. He would stay near the edge of the parking lot, seemingly just waiting. I’d mentioned this to coworkers and nobody else ever noticed him or this district behavior.

Come to find out, Russell was waiting for me to haul spent grains out so he could have a snack. Over the months, he’d apparently recognized me, my car and my brew day routine. He comes almost all the way to the door to check the status of his treats now.

The reason I am sharing this is to emphasize:

  1. It feels nice to have someone appreciate the most mundane and seemingly insignificant things that you do in this world, even if that someone is just a crow.

  2. I have taken my first step toward commanding a crow army to do my bidding. It’s finally all coming together.