What is the plan?

Hello and good morning, everyone!

@vanidackp There is a plan, and it is currently in execution: I will tag along what I mean by this later today. I will also address the opening of your topic, but for now I will just say that progressives are not a minority. The minority might be the ones that, like me, label themselves as progressives. But, in granular terms, the specific provisions, most people agree on the progressive ones, because they aim to human betterment.

And @guinliberty , I totally get where you are coming from. You have a great idea with truth pledge, and I am on board with it. It is frustrating to have great intentions and ideas and be ignored but let me give you some solace in the fact that You are not being ignored.

Your idea did not enter the category of legislation, that is why we haven’t put it up for voting. The scope was temporarily narrowed until Dec 5th. This was originally on Dec 1st as per Cenk’s request / Current Mission - TYT Discussion Boards. We should have done a better job in informing the people, I will grant that. Your idea has already been mapped under [Strategic] category. Does this category fit for your idea?

Please stay tuned