2 bad things

Trump had BLM and Covid, both of which he bungled and hurt Americans. Biden had Putin’s invasion and the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Both mishandled but kept at a distance. If elected Trump will have at least 2 bad things he will bungle. I think a Trump admin will escalate conflict with Iran because Israel and Saudi want him too and to distract Americas the Trump admin will have a conflict with or invade Venezuela over the oil in Guyana. And that will be a disaster. Trump 2.0 might be the end of the American century for good or for ill.


Sounds like your prediction may come true. I hear them talk about dismantling the government quite frequently.


All the economic indicators are pointing toward the Economy going into a major downturn sooner rather than later that will reportedly rival 2008. Trump’s stated plan to raise Tariffs and give the wealthy tax breaks sounds as though it would only put gasoline on an already out of control fire. I understand why the Billionaire Elite would favor Trump over Biden (or a potential replacement of the latter), but it has already been stated by a number of corporate leaders that Trump is a complete idiot in that regard. It suddenly makes sense why Vance, a fake Populist, would be chosen due to being a successful Venture Capitalist in San Francisco.


I feel we need to keep in mind people who have a lot of money are not any smarter they just have a lot of money. They may [choose] Trump for short term gain and not understand the long term harm Trump will likely do.


Trump may bungle things but strarting wars wont be it. Remember, pentagon tried to start wars with Iran in his last term and he intervened twice to prevent it. He might still do Pro Israeli things but it wont be wars. His base hates them and in certain regards he does listen to the base. Plus I don’t think he gets paid by defence contractors so he wont have any incentive to.

If I would have to guess, he would “bungle” the environmental agenda as he is already screaming for “Drill baby drill” to keep oil companies happy. Another thing would be a trade war with China.

And I wouldn’t say Biden has kept anything “at a distance”. All the economic suffering is because of his idiotic policies.

American century is already over. Havent you heard of the dedollarisation going on? Now Putin is talking of an EU like parliament for BRICS. Once they get the CBDC’s going on, its done. The downturn already started when Obama pissed off the Saudis and printed obnoxious amounts of money. Biden just made it worse with his SWIFT sanctions and further alienating Saudis. Now Saudis are issuing $ bonds directly instead of investing in US treasury so we can get the inflow of capital. We are sitting on a sinking ship and we have to see how quickly it will take on water - 2 months, 2 years or 5, more?

Politicians don’t care about fixing things. They are only concerned about fooling people on nonsense and getting into power. Then they serve their donors. Maybe if the base screams loud enough they will listen to one or two things that don’t affect them.

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nah, keep in mind that people who have a lot of money don’t play in the market. They play the market

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