A Way to Remove Biden as Opposed to Hoping He Drops Out


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Two gaffes in one day? And when he knows he couldn’t afford anymore, and yet he does so anyway?? It’s over; I doubt a 25 will be needed. A threat of that behind closed doors could have been done, but if it had come to that and he still dug in, it would have been a nuclear option -all would have lost. So while we are cringing when he gaffes, look at the bright side: it probably averted having to resort to a 25…


I am starting to see the rationalization that Dems are committing themselves to. Cenk is shocked at the denial going on when he debates politicos about Biden’s fitness (and even if you are still in denial about that, let’s just say PERCEIVED fitness by a majority of voters…) I suspect some who appear to be in denial about Biden’s viability are secretly not, because they believe that for Biden to step aside would be to invite a Race-Card War over Harris in the Dem Party, leading to defeat. So, the defective thinking goes, better we get Biden across the finish line, then we can get Harris in on an Article 25 of Biden (presuming the Repubs get the receipts/testing, which if you look at this testimony by a Dem neurologist is a fairly inevitable thing…)

This is dead wrong. The Race-Card War that a replacement candidate could introduce can be avoided by having a fair Open Convention nominating process such as I propose on this thread:


If she wins those two rounds of votes with a clear consensus, then it’s hers.

If the DNC does not agree to such a fair nominating process, then it’s 2016 all over again; people will sit out Election Day.

There’s just no way Biden can win now after this week of repeated disasters. To anoint Harris is also to lose. There is only one path to victory I can see: queue up the next replacement candidate (which can be Harris, should she win using the nominating process such as I describe…)


Thank you!


Lol. I actually want the Dems to show the American people how it’s done. Total immunity insane mad king president, we’ll need to practice so the extremely slow octagenarian Republican/Dem party can react on time.

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The Titanic is headed for the iceberg. If by replacing the captain there could be a chance to avert. I guess now we’re only thinking about time. But now is the time. Biden should drop out and pick someone he endorses at the convention or get taken out, the cabinet owes us a working president, that’s why they are there for. We need an Abe Lincoln type and we get the fossil of Andrew Jackson. He promised one term. If he keeps his promise i propose we build statues of the guy and his corvette.

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NO to having Biden anoint someone!

For openers, given that there is a debate by some as to his fitness, his picking someone would only serve to taint them.

Open Convention, delegates hopefully decide on the candidates that have the best ELECTORAL shot and have a modicum of respect for a rule of law. See this topic on how to insure that the choice is made without coercion by Dem leadership:



I wanted Feinstein to resign so bad, she should have named someone for her voters to support and we could have had a special election. Instead someone was appointed. I’ll take advice and a choice over appointed. I just meant to replace him as a nominee at the convention.

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After I had posted my comment above on the faulty thinking and strategy of Dems still doubling-down on Biden, I actually found an example of this thinking in the wild from a pro-Blue pundiit that “it’s safer if we stick with Biden; we can then have Kamala step in…” It was expressed by the journalist David Capeheart, who typically gives informed analysis, but I have to part ways with his thinking here. It’s coming from a place of fear, as opposed to an analysis of cold hard electoral facts and historical precedents (which I find ironic, because those seeking to swiftly adapt to the new reality of Biden having blown it, which takes some courage, he calls in that same interview “Scaredycrats”…):

I did a jump-cut to the talking point of preferring to stand by his man; you can rewind the interview and watch its entire context, in the interest of fairness to David…

[As I always have to add to any calls to replace Biden: he has done a superhuman job these past 3-4 years, in spite of an obstructionist Congress. This is not me being unfair that he just flubbed the debate; this is the debate, the poor Stephanopolous interview, and multiple gaffes after that, that leads me to strongly believe that he has now given way too much cannon fodder in the months ahead to the Repibs, that they can use in saturation media campaigns that will make it impossible for him to recover from. When you assess that the polls are bad AND THEY HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED THAT MEDIA CAMPAIGN IN EARNEST YET (since they know a fourth degree black belt move could come out of the Democratic Convention, so for the moment they are keeping their powder dry…), doubling-down on Biden is to invite a sociopath to prevail and we then have a Dark Ages with regards to some semblance of a Rule of Law. At the moment we are staring from the edge of the brink at the end of the Great American Experiment. Sure: a replacement slate might not work; but I know the present slate now will not. Dems: differentiate yourself from the Repubs and show you are The Party of the Adults in the Room, that you address and adapt to problems as they arise; don’t double-down on a bad game plan, as the Repubs clearly do with a sociopath who is unfit for office.]

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Biden is STILL refusing to take a comprehensive neurological exam (see post: A Way to Remove Biden as Opposed to Hoping He Drops Out - #12 by patrie )

How would he possibly think he could still run and NOT have to take a test at this point?? This is NUTS!

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I think elections are won by facts and one’s record, sure. I also think voters vote on how they feel about issues and what their gut is telling them, which is a highly unpredictable factor. A lot can happen in the next four months.


I think the Dems doubling down have now moved on from the fearful thinking that maybe Biden is the safest route to now going down to defeat “with dignity”. They won’t admit that out loud, but it explains their behavior that flies in the face of electoral reality.

They can kid themselves like that, but they are completely failing their constituents by not signing on to a walkout to Independent if Biden and The Owners of the DNC continue to barricade themselves in.

Dem Congress members now have no standing whatsoever to point the finger at the Repubs for not standing up to Trump (with a few notable exceptions like Adam Smith…)