Need help navigating our discussion boards,, Youtube, Twitch… anything that will help you connect with TYT? Let us know. We’re here to help!
Hi, you’re probably sick of hearing from me almost every day for one thing or another on three different platforms!
Not urgent — I found an error here on In my profile, when I go to Preferences, it says Oops, that page doesn’t exist or is private. This happens both in the shortcut in the top right and when I view my full profile (for example,
If I find things like this should I report them here? Thanks!

Neva! I am somehow getting used to these octopus arms. So, yes, this is a great place to let me know about discussion board issues. “Preferences” is working for me, so I need to look into this and get back to you. Thanks for the heads up.
Hi, how do you find out about the town halls? They used to be posted on in events. Now, I can not find any link. Jackc380 March 27, 2024