Advice needed — Mention Populist Plank at Rep. Cohen's Town Hall?

I just got an email yesterday announcing that my Rep. Steve Cohen (who was on TYT election night) is holding a “telephone town hall” with constituents on Monday night about “Discussing Trump’s Executive Orders and the Fight to Push Back” Trump. It’s possible to submit questions beforehand or ask during the town hall.

Should I submit a question about the Populist Plank? It’s not directly related to the topic but it’s also not completely off-topic, and this could be a good opportunity to get his attention about it (and those listening in on the call)?

If so, I’m thinking of something like this:

Representative Cohen, there’s a new Populist Plank put out by progressive news network The Young Turks, with 6 common-sense policies that have overwhelming support from both Democrats and MAGA voters — things like paid family leave and negotiating drug prices for Medicare. This could unite voters on both sides at a time we need something to rally around that doesn’t involve dismantling our government. Would you consider signing or endorsing it? It’s on Thank you!

Any thoughts or suggestions? I know it’s a little wordy so I probably would need to trim it down. Or if it would be more strategic to wait to go to his office in person instead of this forum, I could do that instead.


The one issue that has support across all groups is getting the money out of politics.


I think you worded it perfectly; don’t change a thing! If you ask a question online, will it be anonymous? If I remember correctly, you mentioned anonymity would be preferred because of your work.

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If I remember correctly, Affordable Housing, Ending Endless Wars, Money out of Politics, Paid Family Leave, and Universal Healthcare are well-liked all across the aisle. :woman_shrugging:

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Yes Yes Yes!!!

My congressperson, George Whitesides, had a townhall Thursday. I was late and didn’t get a chance to share anything, but I will when there’s a next one.


Thanks! The problem with Cohen is that while he is progressive on almost everything, he takes corporate PAC money. So if I lead with that I’m worried he’ll tune out. I’ll think about it though.

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Thank you for the positive feedback, I’m glad to hear it sounds good! I think I’ll go ahead and submit it then, wish me luck!

And thanks for thinking of my situation with trying to stay anonymous. I think if I ask about something like this using my real name I should hopefully be okay. I’m not saying what my online screen name is, so I’m not linking my real name to my tweets or comments, or saying I’m part of Operation Hope. I could be just a random TYT viewer or even just heard about the plank somewhere.

I am a little nervous about it though, my place of employment is directly affected by the new immigration and DEI policies. We just got an email about it earlier this week. But hopefully we’re not to the point in this country where my job would be in danger just because of asking a question in a congressional town hall, especially for something that is made to be inclusive of both the left and right. But I guess you never know.

I asked my wife about it and see didn’t think it was a problem to submit a question. And she would tell me if she thought so — she thought it was good to not have my camera on for the Ope Hope townhall that was broadcast, so that’s why I had it off that week. :grinning:

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Thanks for the encouragement Maggie! I’ll definitely submit the question and attend.

I have no idea how many people will attend or how many questions they’ll do, I’m not even sure if they know how many people are on the call. But it doesn’t hurt to try. And it is good to see an elected Democrat, who’s on the progressive side (even if he is still a corporate Dem) doing something.

Hopefully you’re able to attend your congressman’s next town hall. I’m lucky Cohen’s having his at a time that works out!

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That absolutely makes sense! I’m sorry to hear that all of this horrible nonsense. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad. :disappointed: What you wrote out is perfect, though, and you’ll be amazing as always! While there’s no need to wish you luck, I will be thinking about you and rooting for you! Be sure to let us know how it goes. :smiling_face:

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Change “… from both Democrats and MAGA voters …” to simply “all voters” and then continue with what you have there.


I’d sneak in Universal Healthcare in that question otherwise it’s perfect!!!


I agreed!!!

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I try to say, “We will have Universal Healthcare!” a lot because putting it out in the universe can’t hurt, right? :woman_shrugging::crossed_fingers::milky_way:


I sooo agree!!! It’s about time we advocate strongly for it. UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE CARE!!!

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I want to frame it in the form of mismanagement of our taxes and with all the money we pay universal health care is what we want for our money!!!

We have to start claiming mismanagement of the people’s money and make it “a thing”!!!

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement and suggestions! I’ve submitted the question, we’ll see if it gets picked tomorrow! :crossed_fingers:


Yay, good luck!

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