Air Carrier Access Act Amendment

I realize people may get tired of hearing this, but it’s not reaching enough people. Last month they heard the Arguments for the Amendments they were supposed to vote on this before the break time is running it up the farther we get from the testimonies the less chance this has of passing. When it was introduced to the senate last year we couldn’t even get enough votes to get a vote. Imagine if every other time you flew you the airlines broke both your legs wouldn’t you want reform? That is what it is like when they break our chairs it’s far more than a piece of equipment and they also often break bones of the users during the loading process. The treatment is unacceptable, help bring access forward write your reps.

Candice Cole is the TYT Washington correspondent. All I can find is her Twitter handle. I don’t do twitter and if I remember right neither do you. Maybe someone else reading these can help on the Twitter front.

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Thanks Chelsea, I do have a Twitter I just am not active on it but if someone else has like followers on Twitter that would be awesome. John said he will talk about it closer to the vote but I want people writing their reps now so that when the vote happens they know people care.

Cuz right now they don’t care last time it got like 35 votes to move forward an absolute disgrace this should be non partisan it is lauded by the Paralyzed Veterans of America but only Sen Tammy Duckworth cares and it’s because it affects her, the rest aren’t affect and don’t respect that disability doesn’t care about wealth, gender or race it can strike at anytime. They should care before this affects them or their loved ones. You know I know it’s easy to blow off when it doesn’t affect you, I certainly didn’t grasp how widespread negligent ableism is before I was disabled, but I now work to educate people so they can grow and so that we as a community can grow. So that people don’t have to fight for access, I try to make it easier for the next person. Even if I can’t make it better for me I want to make it better for them. I know you Chelsea care but making people who don’t have a wheelchair user in their orbit see and understand is hard and I can’t be in everyone’s orbit as hard as I try to reach out.

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Is there a way I can sign your petition without putting in my home address and personal data?

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It is a letter to your representatives. You could copy the letter in the link and then paste it in a message to your representatives by going to their pages.


Yeah they do that to get you connected to your rep but I understand being uncomfortable please call or write your rep on your own it the Amendment to Air Carrier Access Act that we want passed you don’t need to use this format it’s just an automated message that makes it easier for people but just messaging your reps is important l am so grateful you are taking the time to learn and care!

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Thanks Chelsea love your support and advice!

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Sophie Morgan shared a post on Instagram: "Going to the toilet on British Airways (@british_airways)…#JustPlaneWrong". Follow their account to see 1654 posts.

The „accessible“ toilets on airplanes

Can I Store my Wheelchair in the Aircraft Cabin? - Emerging Horizons Interesting this language is already here but if you try and ask an airline to stow your chair in the cabin they won’t and become quite abusive. Most airline attendants don’t even know that since the passing of the ACAA (35 years ago) every plane that can hold 100 passengers has a designated space for wheelchairs usually a cubby but it is most often used for staff luggage or equipment and they are completely ignorant of its intended purpose. This is not a fault of the staff but of the airlines for not providing adequate training and education.

Thank you, I appreciate that. I will do that. I’m glad you brought to our attention. I admit, I didn’t know anything about this until I read your post.


Thank you, I was going to call them, but I think I’ll do both now.


Thanks I appreciate it. We all live in bubbles and it’s hard to get people to care about what is outside theirs.

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A close friend of mine just came back from Jerusalem Sunday 13 hour flight he couldn’t use the lavatory and his wheelchair was put on conveyor belt instead of being brought to the gate! Custom wheelchair being thrown on a luggage carousel thankfully only the footplate was damaged.

I don’t know your friends circumstances but it makes me think about arbitrarily losing the ability to go to the bathroom when and where you choose, getting that ability back and then having that ability purposely taken away.

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Yes Chelsea, he has a Neurological condition similar to MS but undiagnosed and like myself has been intermittent catheter dependent for years.

He is also very tall and unable to transfer unassisted so travel is difficult

Finally got my first shout out on Unbossed with Senator Turner :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:! Write your reps please!

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Link no longer works please still write your reps, tweet at them Amend the ACAA the situation is untenable.

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