Ana is "Unaligned"

I just read Ana’s inaugural post on her Substack, Unaligned.

She makes it very clear that she no longer considers herself on the progressive left. That’s fine for her, but it’s not fine that she is one of the main producers and hosts of the “Home of Progressives”. I first became a TYT member in 2009, and I think TYT has been one of the best progressive news/politics shows in existence for most of that time. This is a bridge too far, though.

It’s one thing to express your strong disagreements with some fringe elements of the left and to put that into context, as Cenk often does. Ana does not do that, though. She’s made it clear on several occasions that she believes the left is as bad, if not worse, than the American right.

I think it’s time that Ana and TYT parted ways.

@giguerja I just read her post, Independent and Unaligned - by Ana Kasparian - Unaligned , and I feel like you are reacting poorly. While I do not think Ana is very progressive, and I disagree with a lot of her opinions, it seems like a bad idea to start setting arbitrary qualifications for progressivism, or to segregate ourselves from those who are not “progressive enough”.

I think that it is fine that Ana is developing different ideas and concepts about partisanship, tribalism, identity politics, tolerance, and inclusiveness. Instead of throwing her off the mountain, we should probably support her and appreciate that she is trying to find and/or bring new ideas to the table.

Now, I am going to be blunt now, so expect that you might be offended or have your feelings hurt. Throughout my life, liberals have behaved as an unruly mob, eager to gleefully (and politely as well as with much less force) stomp my face in at the same that conservatives are doing so.

You seem to miss the fact that, not only is there fringe elements in the left, but there are those who call themselves liberals, democrats, and progressives that belong to the status quo, who might as well be called authoritarians for how little they help the people, and for how much they abuse the people.

Add to those problematic factions, the “Gatekeepers” who will throw everyone out of the “home” that do not measure up, or are perceived to betray progressivism. Maybe consider if your current actions fall along those line, okay?

Liberals and Progressives (especially progressives) are a very tiny portion of the general population, so maybe do not start throwing them out al willy nilly, or you might find yourself standing alone in life.


Left-leaning people are often non-strategic; there’s a working presumption held by most on the Left that most people will support an idea because it is utilitarian. Not so.

What is called the Repub Party is now under a new crazy ownership. If they were running someone like a McCain or Romney right now against Harris, it would be in the bag for them. But their party is being steered by a bunch of men-and-rwomen children. [This is a byrpoduct of the dumbing down of America, which started with financial aid cuts in the 80s -takes a few decades to see the result of that, when what were college kids then have grown up and become a majority of the voting demographic…]

I’m a little irritated when individuals feel they are above the messiness of politics (watch some of the cynical dialogs on SNL that Dave Chapelle did with regards to politics; it sounds like Ana is starting down that road because “the left scene in America is a big drag, man…”) Yes, it IS! But we have to keep rapping our knuckles on the skulls of leftists who have little understanding of strategy and self-interest.

And what I am calling left is what would have been called centrist in the 60s and 70s. Remember: some of the highest tax rates were during the Eisenhower years, who was called then a conservative.


My take on her being “Unaligned” is that she is Non-aligned partywise. She is not Democrat, Republican, Liberty, Green, or any other Political Party out there. In other words Unaligned


Perhaps it would be easier if everyone wrote a detailed list of what it takes to be considered a part of their in-group because I, for one, love it when people judge everything I say and do against their holier-than-thou, obviously vastly superior morals. Or maybe we can instead focus on ourselves and what we want to do as a citizen of this world and accept other people for who they are and do our best to support them on their journey. Also, if anyone decides to wrap their knuckles on my skull or the skull of anyone else in my presence, there’s going to be a lot more than talking done. I find it shameful that so many sit in judgment of Ana, who has spent her entire adult life–and probably more–trying to make this world a better place by holding a light to truth and injustice while showing absolutely no support for her regarding the assault she spoke of. Maybe we all need to take a step back now and then, shut our mouths, and see, hear, and feel what really matters.


Exactly, Andrea. And Ana made it clear that the change in her politics began, not when she assaulted, but when “leftists” minimized the assault. And because they assumed her attacker was a person of color, they labelled her, the victim, as a racist. Ironically, the assailant was white. I admire her honesty and her commitment to providing factual, detailed information. I disagree with some of her takes, but her analysis is always a reflection of her actual thoughts on the matter.


“Leftists” meaning who, specifically? It’s terrible what happened to Ana, but I really haven’t seen much of what she’s described other than some randos on Twitter. She seems to want to paint all leftists with that brush. It was an understandable reaction given what happened, which is why I’ve remained a member and watched with an open mind. But often the “factual, detailed information” comes from highly suspect sources. I’ll keep an open mind going forward too, but I’ve seen this trajectory before. Why does she need a separate Substack when she already has a huge independent platform at TYT? My guess is you’re going to start seeing some pretty hot takes coming soon that court a very different audience than the TYT audience. Ping me in a year or two and we’ll probably be able to agree about who’s right by then.

@giguerja While Ana occasionally says some ignorant things, I haven’t seen her do what you are saying she does. Perhaps you can give us some specific examples, so we can see for ourselves. Also, why can’t Ana have stuff outside TYT? Also, why should we care if she is courting a different audience?

I love all the conspiracy theories that Ana is now moving to the Right. Did you ever think that maybe she isn’t the one that changed and it’s others that have moved more to the Left than what she is?
Think the opposite of this:

I get the idea & it’s a good representation of your point. The only thing wrong is the Democratic Party should be on the right of center. Especially when you consider that for the past 40 years, they have moving toward conservative policies calling it bipartisanship. While they are all taking money from donors & lobbyists behind closed doors. Now all that is legal when in the 80-90s it wasn’t.
What @giguerja isn’t considering is that we have been conditioned, through media & political rhetoric, that we must choose between two sides. And if someone doesn’t “align” with our beliefs & policies they need to go and move to get rid of them. Which is also a common thing people who suffer from trauma do. Keep the people, places, and things that make you feel safe. While dismissing & rejecting anything or anyone that doesn’t fit your narrative or ideals.
I’m not assuming that’s the issue but just point out possibilities as to why we have so many gatekeepers. I was a gatekeeper but when I started working on my mental health it helped a lot to understand why people want perfection. If everything around you is perfect you don’t feel the disappointment and especially the fear of getting fecked over again.


Right on and well-put, drea_m_r. If I kicked aside everyone who disagrees with me on some issue, I would be alone for the rest of my life. People are complicated and will never agree about everything.

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Right about what, exactly? You said it is time for Ana and TYT to part company. I disagree. But that decision is not up to either of us. The time to part with TYT is when, if ever, Ana decides it is time.


You mean like this?
Real Left vs Right

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Damn Skippy! :wink:

TYT’s strength is in fostering diverse progressive voices, and Ana’s evolving stance reflects that openness. Public figures naturally grow, especially in a network that includes mainstream progressives and leftists. The challenge is how this affects the show’s cohesion and audience trust. Can TYT still champion economic populism and social justice while accommodating voices that challenge the progressive narrative? It’s worth discussing how TYT can balance being a progressive leader while embracing internal diversity.


I don’t think Ana paints “leftists” with the same brush; I think it’s mainly just assholes. Why should anyone be upset at someone, including Ana, for starting a Substack? Why is she ridiculed for wanting to reach a different, larger, more intimate, sillier, curly-haired, fill-in-the-adjective audience? Can she not have something of her own? She’s on Instagram; should we call her out for that, too? You even go as far as to assert she uses “suspect sources.” And how is this a matter of you being right and us being wrong? Would this even be a conversation if she were a man? Seriously, would people’s panties be all in a bunch if Cenk, John, or Dr. Richey were on Substack?

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Longtime lurker, first time poster.

I’ve been curious about the TYT faithful’s thoughts on Ana’s progression. It’s not just random assholes on Twitter calling her out. It’s the YouTubers (the children of TYT) who first started calling her out. Then the pile on started. Like she wrote, she was more pissed that she didn’t get the backup from the side that one would think would be sympathetic to a sexual crime victim. Plus her defenses of Jesse Singal’s and Katie Herzog’s reporting in trans issues have alienated many of her critics (Ana even guest hosted their podcast “Blocked & Reported”).

I’m not convinced that she’s now a closet Conservative. I can definitely understand her frustration with the left. My own political and social beliefs are on the left. But I actually can’t stand the left. And by that, the people who gatekeep who and what constitutes what “the left” actually is. I’ve said this in many forums and video comment sections: the American left is made up of podcasters who cancel each other at the drop of a hat.

No wonder we’re always screwed.


The subtitle of the first post is “You’re right, I’ve changed,” so I don’t think this is it.

I will let Ana nip this in the but before ANYTHING gets started here:

Ana’s response to the Tweet/Article:


Great point, my friend. Last year, I met a young woman who was a strong progressive. She served Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign as a volunteer, canvassing, phone banking, etc., all while pregnant with her second child. One of her fondest memories was being 8 months pregnant, attending one of his rallies and holding her first child on her shoulders he could see Bernie. Then she joined an on-line community of progressives (not TYT). During one session, she disagreed with the rest of the group on one topic. Despite her total agreement on every other point, the pile on began. She still considers herself a progressive, but wants nothing to do with the movement.

Ana was 19 or 20 when she joined TYT. It was only natural that her political viewpoint would evolve. It did for all of us, in one way or another. I expect that evolution to continue, but that doesn’t mean she is turning into a right-winger. From what I can see, she has not abandoned her honesty, her empathy for others-including those who are different from her-or the journalistic principles that cause her to call things as she sees them. These traits are not valued in the on-line community on the right, so the idea that she would end up joining that community seems unrealistic.