It is silly to compare Cenk and Ana because they are two very different people, which is probably a big reason why they have such a good dynamic. To insinuate that Ana brings little or nothing to the table is not only extraordinarily wrong but also very mean-spirited. When someone in the same position as another gets nothing but praise while it seems the other can do nothing right, I often wonder if it is the quality of the work that is ultimately being questioned. To be honest, I want the news I watch regularly to piss me off every now and then, it shows that my views are being challenged and gives me a chance to grow. In terms of Cenk making more appearances on other shows than Ana, there are a million different reasons why this could be, and I’m not going to pretend I know what they are.
I had to be honest: she brings less. That’s why you don’t see her on interview shows. There was no point to discussing it prior to the moves of evidently jumping to a new gig, but it was needed to explain what was going on.
But does she bring something? Sure: a viewpoint that many can relate to…
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I forgot to mention, vis a vis guardrails and “But did he do it?” (more to the point: did he get the cooperation needed to pull it off??)
We went through a chapter a few months ago where Biden refused to step down. It took a week longer than it needed to, but the Dems got him to step down. If the roles were reversed and it had been Stupid Hitler and the Repubs, does Ana seriously believe that he would have cooperated? Of course not! The Repubs would have been celebrating his fighting an Article 25, because that’s what you see in a dictatorship or fascist regime (choose whatever terms you like…)
Yes; it shouldn’t have happened in the first place; they were clearly concealing his condition. BUT THE ADMINISTRATION ENTOURAGE GOT BUSTED. And when they did, guardrails in Congress addressed the issue.
So the question was a rhetorical one: ANA KNOWS THIS; she’s no dummy. I’m sorry: it looks to me like a setup to jump to a lucrative right pundit gig, she’s doing a Pool. Again, Ana: prove me wrong. Go work for Democracy Now, for example -they sure do hate the Dems too (and I can’t blame them, especially the way the baller pundits that Harris has chosen to follow in this campaign, Walz not at all included, are risking this election by offering not much of anything in terms of job security and covering essential living expenses WHEN THEY MOST DEFINITELY CAN (see my other posts, to anyone just tuning in on this…); after weeks of inaction since her egregious View statement (“I wouldn’t do much of anything different from Joe…”), other than celebrity concerts, a meager Bush-style tax cut, and ONLY offering “vote for us because he’s bad…”, I can’t help but wonder if Harris dances their jig in this campaign because they have assured her a 7…8…whatever figure salary at some PC foundation, even if she loses. They know from 2016 that many voters are willing to play a chaos lottery.
The message from the Dems refusal to take bold steps to tone down the WWIII and do something constructive with the corporate tax rate says to me: “Hey, we don’t care…” That’s going to bite them on Election Day -but hey: maybe they really don’t care if they lose!
Hi, I don’t know if you’re saying you work for tyt.
If there are replies and conversations that I’m missing out on, over on discord, then it would be good to know more about this. I can try to look myself but if there can be improved linkage that would also be good.
Separate question, if anyone knows the answer:
Is there a reason that TYT does not seem to make a full effort to make this forum readily and prominently discoverable, hassle-free, from the main landing page? Maybe I am just missing the link.
The best way to know what is going on over in the TYT Discord is to join it: TYT Official Discord . We have 3 types of “Channels” over there: Text Chat, Forums, and Voice/Video. The text channels are like a live chat and we set them up so each one has a different topic like General-Chat, tyt-live chat, makes-me-smile, and Tunes.
The forums channels are were you can create threads for different topics and the top one is in-other-news were people will post news stories and have convos/debates about them. Currently we have one for the 2024 US Presidential Election and also another just like this thread about Ana and being “unaligned” : Is Trump “Fascist”?
Then we have the Voice/Video channels were you can jump in and talk to others like on Zoom. Right now we have TYT Voices were you can chat about stuff on TYT or just politics in general and we also have some Game channels were we plays games on Wednesdays and Fridays just to get our minds off of things like they used to on TYT Twitch with GameBusters.
Can we have a “Productive Pity Party” channel today?
A Productive Pity Party is a time-limited, structured way to process negative emotions, reflect, find positives, and create actionable steps for recovery and growth.
I have been a Leftist Activist and Union Activist since I was young. I went from working in the Corridors of Power in Hollywood to being a frontline Mental Health worker on the Streets of Los Angeles, who finished up my mental health career by working in Corrections in New Mexico. It’s often hard for any sort of passionate group members with shared values to see outside of the box, but, maybe, this helps. I used to hang out with famed Crime Novelist, James Elroy, back in the day. While I don’t share his political view of the world, I think that he is right when he depicts the world as being made up of Sociopaths to The Left and Sociopaths to the Right, and with all the rest of us well meaning Folks caught in between. One qualifier to be a Progressive should be the capacity for Empathy; however, Sociopaths don’t have empathy, fear, or an observing ego. They are a Predator or what might be described as the Great White Shark of human beings. What happened to Ana was horrible and inexcusable, but so was the response from many that she had turned to for answers when it came to understanding how to now include the idea of being a Sexual Assault Victim amongst those that are supposedly empathic, but clearly not always.
In my many travels and adventures, I have observed how easy it is for those with extreme views to go so far to either the Left or the Right that they come out on the other side. I have also seen how otherwise well meaning groups of generally kind souls can suddenly become callous and insensitive when they feel as though their shared beliefs are being challenged. You know, there are no easy solutions here Folks, especially if you want to create some common ground with people. If unwilling to do that, why are you so angry at people who view things differently than you do, especially when they are attempting to figure out their own place in what can be a really dangerous and hostile world? Ana has proven her commitment to the Progressive cause time and time again, so, simply put, she is not the enemy here. By the way, Hugs to you, Ana. I am horrified to learn about the ways that you were truly victimized. Sadly, there are no thoughts or advice that will ease the pain of such.
Well said.