Ana's New Substack Article

Thank you; that’s genuinely kind of you to say, and I really appreciate it! I think I’ve decided to stay. I seriously love my TYT family, which is probably why I treat it with the same bluntness, honesty, and, hopefully, kindness and understanding I do in my own family. (I know I can be a lot.) Besides, they can’t get rid of me that easily. :wink:


Hey Andrea , thank you for sending me Ana’s substack. Unfortunately, I couldn’t read it as I can’t afford another subscription . I’ll be cancelling Zeteo and a few other apps since I’m unsure of future medical costs due to current insanity. As you know , I’m saddled with the disability of chronic pain. I certainly hope you reconsider leaving TYT. You were the first to respond to me when I initially tried navigating the app. I’ve always valued your content online , chatting on shows and town halls. You are a treasured member because of your contribution and passion. It is recognized by many people. Just a thought . fondly. Jack


I’m sorry to see you go. As you, I have great respect and appreciation for you. As for Ana, I don’t subscribe to her substack, so I can only read the segment you posted. To be honest, I agreed with everything she said, though I stopped when I got the “subscribe or sign-in button.”

As for her on-air TYT content, I know of 2 or 3 areas where she seems to rely on her opinion too heavily. But on the whole, I find her to be extremely conscientious about the accuracy of her reporting. Her presentations usually include statistics to support what she is saying, as well as a link allowing viewers to look up the info themselves. And when she gets it wrong, her retractions occur at the very beginning of the next show.

I have literally watched every available TYT episode from 2005 to 2012, as well as a significant sample from each year since. Since becoming a member in 2021, I have not missed an episode. While I disagree with her in some areas, and get extremely annoyed with her at times, her integrity has never been in question for me. Again, I’m only speaking about the content on TYT. Are you planning to leave Operation Hope as well?


You too? Andrea was the first to respond to me as well. I felt so inept and useless due to my challenges with technology, and she made me feel right at home. She is so kind and compassionate. If she leaves us, she’ll leave a big hole.


Ok, now I feel silly. I just responded to your initial response without scrolling down, lol! And Jack and I just exchanged sappy messages with each other about how kind you were to us when we first came on here. So, disregard those and just know that I’m happy to hear you are staying.


@jackc380 @tonymac52

Aw, you guys are the best, thank you! You’re why I could never leave! :heart:


If you really care about something or someone you dont just let them go through life making mistakes right?
Plants need sunshine AND rain to grow :grin: they are right though it wouldnt feel the same without Dream, So so happy youll stay.
Same here aswell, TYT are stuck with me forever whether they like it or not :man_shrugging:


LOL, I’m glad! And thank you, that’s really nice of you to say! :heart:

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Hey Anthony , how can I go back to see previous episodes? That’s impressive you’ve seen that many. Hope to see you on Wednesday. Jack


Hi Jack. I was curious about that TYT commercial where Ana and Cenk are reminiscing about a woman who sued the makers of Cap’n Crunch cereal for false advertising when she found out there were no “real crunch berries” in it. I entered “TYT, woman sues Cap’n Crunch” and found the original clip, as well as other humorous ones they often allude to, like “Go tell Randy Gonzalez.”

To find full episodes, I just entered “tyt episodes September, 2009”, for example, and a bunch of episodes from September of 2009 popped up. I saved them in my “watch later” list and watched them at my leisure, then moved on to the next month.

Most of the 2009 postings were extended clips, but a small percentage were full episodes. The percentage of full clips got progressively higher as I progressed through 2011, 2012, etc. Anything before September of 2009 was harder to find, but Cenk’s “USA Today sucks Balls!” rant from 2005 is a classic! I don’t think TYT was on You Tube yet, but it was one of their Currant TV clips.

But the best thing about watching old episodes is re-living the political events of 2005-2019 through the eyes of a truly progressive network, rather than the establishment media I was consuming before I found TYT.


Hey Anthony , thanks for the response . I’ll start looking back at these clips. As you say, I also consumed mainstream media during this time until I threw away my tv and started on Youtube to listen to Cenk & Ana. Since then , I haven’t bought another tv.