With all of the seriously fucked up shit Trump has done–in only five days that literally put the lives and livelihoods of tens (probably hundreds) of millions of people on the line, Ana chose to write about how Biden fucked up?! It took five minutes into a six-minute read for her to finally even say that she doesn’t support mass deportations after she once again played to numerous fears that MAGA and the Right use to demonize immigrants. She’s making it sound like she said he would do this when, in fact, she laughed at those of us who said we should listen to what he says he’s going to do and said we were stupid. Consistently holding tight to her stance that Trump didn’t do it in his last term and that he’s funny and only says insane (and blatantly racist) shit. Trump is literally saying that Native Americans are not American and, therefore, should not be allowed the rights of a US citizen, and she’s still fucking whining about Biden and blaming Trump’s actions on the Democrats. He’s having women and minorities fired en masse, stripping away the rights of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and treating the Constitution like a piece of toilet paper, and that’s not even everything! What Ana’s doing is harmful to people’s lives as she sits there with a smug grin, insisting Trump has good ideas and MAGA has a moral compass: shame on her! I canceled my TYT membership effective January 30th because I’m not going to pay my fucking hard-earned money to listen to more of her anecdotal-based, unsubstantiated, fact- and data-free, wreckless, harmful, petty, pandering, privileged, racist, bigoted, thoughtless, and utterly biased bullshit. I’ve tried, and now I’m done.
@drea_m_r_76, I hear how strongly you feel, and I share your deep concerns about where we are now. With Trump back in office, it’s more important than ever to have honest conversations about how we got here—and, more importantly, what we do next.
When I look at Democratic failures in the lead-up to 2024, it’s not about pointing fingers—it’s about learning from mistakes so we can rebuild and fight more effectively. Too often, Democrats reacted to Trump’s narrative instead of leading with their own, and we’re seeing the consequences of that now. If we don’t address these missteps, how do we expect to avoid them in the future?
I understand if TYT and Ana’s perspective doesn’t resonate with you, and that’s completely fine. But if we treat all good-faith criticism as harmful, we risk repeating the same mistakes. We need spaces where we can have real discussions about strategy, not just agreement on who the bad guy is.
How do you think we can best organize and rebuild while staying united in opposition? With Trump back in power, what do you see as the most effective path forward? I’d genuinely love to hear your thoughts.
This Substack article is very good in explaining HOW we got trump back and where the blame should go. It correctly points the fingers not only at the Right and MAGA but the DNC and Biden/Harris for the screwups they had during their administration and during the Harris Campaign; like suckling at the Cheeney Teet
I don’t see her arguments as good faith. She focuses on personal and anecdotal stories to drive her agenda and literally ignores facts and statistics. There are maybe three stories she constantly uses as examples, one of which has been debunked, yet she screams it from the rooftops every chance she gets with false and misleading information, and the others lack actual facts. It’s a lot of “I think it was this” or “I think I heard that” nonsense. This is not journalism! She even reports that statistics on crime are incorrect because, apparently, the block she lives on doesn’t represent that. This is not journalism! How is it accurate journalism to spread untruths about unhoused people and sane-washing the taking away necessary protections from US citizens?
Everything is blaming Biden, Harris, or the Democrats for the shit Trump and MAGA are doing. WTAF?! She said she wouldn’t go by what Trump says because he probably won’t do any of it, and it is just funny, then she says he told us he would do this. Well, what he says fucking matters, and is the opposite of funny! Invading Greenland with military force, calling immigrants vermin, and saying DEI is why we can’t afford groceries. If a Democrat was saying this shit, she’d be pissed, and we’d never hear the end of it. She’s literally blaming Biden and the Democrats for the horrible things that Trump and MAGA are choosing to do, and all she has to say is that he does have a lot of good ideas. I think her “journalism” is beyond inaccurate and irresponsible. I literally have to fact-check everything she says and, unlike her, everything her guests say, and I find it rife with mis- and disinformation. I logically point out the facts regularly on her Substack in the comments, but she doesn’t care or comment on my responses. Like the TYT main show, she loves and mainly focuses on the commenters who endlessly praise her. I’m sorry, but what does her eyeliner being on point have to do with the fucking news? She should be insulted and wonder why these are the compliments her work typically garners. Why does she have to feed her ego with such pointless crap? It’s tiring and infuriating, and it shouldn’t be my job to figure out the facts within her stories.
She said she’d critique Trump on his policies once in office; he’s had quite a week of policy-making, so where’s the critique? Oh, yeah, I forgot it’s Biden and the Democrats who made him sign all of the orders and nominate and allow horrible, incompetent people into the government. And some of us are still just stupid losers to be afraid. It’s beyond ridiculous, apologist, and cherry-picking. Trump’s a big boy, and MAGA is responsible for what they do because they are grown-ass adults. We have talked about the Democrats’ failures to nauseum, we get it! I’m no longer going to hold my breath for actual reporting that doesn’t infantilize Trump and MAGA and actually acts as it should, the Fourth Estate that speaks truth to the powers that be.
I think this is a great article. I’m not at all opposed to critiquing the Democrats, especially when there are many facts to go with it, which I think is necessary to illicit much-needed change. One of my main problems with Ana’s reporting is when the Democrats are used as an excuse and reason for why Trump does what he does of his own volition.
Pretty much every other Pro-Dem pundit/Journalist out there is going after tRump saying it is his fault and blah blah blah. I think that Ana agrees that what he is doing is all on him but she is also trying to remind people How We Got Here. I won’t speak about her mad-on for Gavin Newsome and the LA mayor but helping people look at the reasons this stuff is now happening is just as important as speaking out against it. And I think everyone knows that Ana is not in favor of what tRump has been doing.
I have to push back on the idea that Ana isn’t acting in good faith. You might not agree with her framing or her conclusions, and that’s fair. But to say she’s deliberately misleading people or spreading disinformation ignores the fact that she’s consistently been willing to challenge narratives—whether that means critiquing establishment Democrats or calling out right-wing authoritarianism.
You say she cherry-picks data, but isn’t every journalist making editorial choices about which stories to highlight? She’s talked extensively about immigration policy failures, crime data, and polling shifts—because those issues matter in understanding where we are politically. That’s not the same as pushing an agenda that ignores reality. If she were truly ‘infantilizing’ Trump and MAGA, she wouldn’t have repeatedly warned about how Democrats’ failures would empower them in the first place."
I don’t expect everyone to agree with her approach, but dismissing her as ‘beyond inaccurate and irresponsible’ feels more like frustration than a fair critique. If she were simply regurgitating right-wing talking points, I’d understand the anger. But what she’s really doing is holding power accountable—even when that power is Democratic leadership. That’s something we should want from progressive media.
We can debate whether she always gets it right, but questioning Ana’s integrity feels like throwing out the entire conversation.
That said, I’m curious—who do you think is doing it right?
If Ana’s coverage misses the mark for you, what kind of media approach would be most effective in countering Trump and MAGA while holding Democrats accountable?
I’m just saying that, with everything he is doing, there needs to be accountability for his actions and his actions alone. When every story is full of Democrat bashing (I’m not saying they don’t deserve it) with a few sentences on how Trump is dangerous, the narrative is wildly inaccurate. She’s done a lot to critique the Democrats, so now it’s time to critique Trump for his extremely dangerous policies.
I; personally, blame the DNC more than I do tRump and the GOP. It was their utter fuck up that got the most HATED President in US history re-elected. This should have been a lay-up for the Harris campaign and just like Hillary they managed to screw it up.
Now when it comes to Ana critiquing the Democrats more than tRump; I am perfectly fine with it. Most of the time you have her stating the facts of the story while Cenk goes after the GOP & MAGA with a few shots at the Dems. Then Ana chimes in with her critique of it that is more Dem critique than GOP. TO me that is balanced and put the blame where it needs to be: On both Parties.
I get that everyone is frustrated with all the BS Executive Orders and other crap tRump has pulled this week but sometimes you need to pull the curtain to the side to see the real problem. We have been doing NOTHING except tRump/MAGA bashing for 8 years and that did not work at all. Maybe bashing them both will be the thing we need. I personally think a new Political Party is needed.
She fails to provide legitimate facts and data, and this ignores reality, which is misleading, so I don’t believe she’s reporting in good faith. She cherry-picks by discrediting (on her own authority) facts and statistics that don’t support her anecdotal narratives, such as crime, mental illness, and the unhoused. She constantly brings up the debunked story of gangs taking over Aurora, cherry-picking. Her guests constantly spread disinformation, and she constantly fails to call them out on it–even after the fact, is bad faith. She says she’s afraid to talk to people of color in case they accuse her of saying the wrong thing, complains about reverse racism being rampant in the penal and legal systems, and says there was less racism when we were colorblind, bad faith. How is this good faith? What narrative is she challenging? That Trump is doing horrific things, and the Right is complicit? All of this proves her to be inaccurate and irresponsible. Doing it right is using facts and data and not only telling anecdotal stories that align with your personal narrative. Getting it right is holding leaders accountable for what they do and not feeling the need to throw Democrats under the bus for 10 minutes to excuse Trump’s behavior. Getting it right is using journalistic integrity to speak truth to power and not make excuses for Trump and MAGA’s behavior. Getting it right is to not coddle one side while attacking the other. Getting it right is not blaming voters and those without power, belittling them, and calling them names. Getting it right isn’t that fucking hard. I have found many other outlets that seem very capable of doing this. She can talk to and about the Right with a lack of anger and playground tactics, so why can she not afford the same respect across the board? She literally said she was happy on election night because blue districts were flipping to red, and it became more apparent as the night went on that Trump would win. Seriously?!
I get what you’re saying, and I think the critiquing of what Trump is doing should be on him. When the Democrats are bashed, she doesn’t bring in shit the Republicans are doing. Regarding her Substack, there is constant Left bashing, mis- and disinformation, and zero fact-checking of the guests, and when she makes a point, it is anecdotal, lacks data, and dismisses facts as false that don’t align with her agenda. I have consistently fact-checked her articles and podcasts and found these to be the rule rather than the exception. It shouldn’t be my job to have to check the facts of what she and her guests are saying. I have found this also to be true on the main show. It’s tiring and infuriating because she has a huge platform, and most people just take what she’s saying as gospel. To disagree becomes taboo and attacked even with the facts to back up an assertion.
You’ve made it clear that you don’t trust Ana or TYT’s approach, and I get that. But what I’m still not hearing is: What’s the alternative? You’ve described what you think is wrong, but what does getting it right actually look like to you? Who do you think is covering this moment effectively, and what do you think progressives need to be doing differently to stop Trump and MAGA?
Because at some point, we have to go beyond saying ‘this media outlet is bad’ and actually focus on what works. If focusing on Democratic failures is the wrong approach, then what’s the right one?
To imply that I’m merely stating “this media outlet is bad” is insulting. I’ve never said critique of the Democrats or the Left is a bad thing. On the contrary, I’ve stated numerous times that it is necessary. And I’ve clearly said what I don’t like and what I think needs to happen. Trump and MAGA need to be fully called out on their shit without false extenuation, Ana needs to rely on facts instead of pushing her personal agenda in the manner I have explained many times, and the pandering needs to stop, which I don’t see as ever happening at this point. Inside TYT, I think of John, Jayar, Dr. Richey, and Nina Turner as providing responsible and competent journalism. Outside of TYT, I think of Zeteo, Qasim Rashid, Democracy Now, and Francesca as some examples. I don’t know what else I can say.
drea_m_r_76, I couldn’t agree with you more. There is a change with Cenk and Ana since Trump won the election. Shortly after last mid-year, I started to financially support TYT with two large one-time donations (well, large for me) but also with a $10 monthly subscription. Like you, I have observed how Cenk and Ana are closely cozying up to Trump and MAGA. Their messaging and tone are different. I get Ana’s frustration, which has been building up for several months before the election. I felt that frustration as well. But instead of just focusing on Biden’s term, the messaging needs to continue about how to go forward with the goal of moving towards a true democratic government that represent all the people. I also canceled my membership at TYT.
Thank you for your reply; I greatly appreciate it! Hopefully we will meet again through other adventures.
That was my point as well in my earlier reply. We can all agree that there is plenty to blame on the Democrats. It is now more than 2 months since the election, and still Cenk and Ana continue to vent their frustrations about the DEM party. It is now time to move on and get back to true journalism. Start focusing and reporting on what the Trump administration and his oligarchs are doing to the average people of this country. Resuming unbiased analysis of the news and sharing it with everyone is essential if we are to someday restore true democracy in this country.
Ana and I have been discussing her Substack article. I completely respect and appreciate her taking the time to talk with me. We are both very passionate (and occasionally salty ) people who probably often say the same things differently and often disagree. All of which is fine. Accusing her of having bad-faith arguments and intentions is unfair, and I probably often misconstrue her passion for an attack. As they say, every accusation is a confession. I still stand behind saying that she needs to use more facts and statistics and only use anecdotal and personal stories to support those. Thank you for listening and conversing with me about this; I’m sure more will come.
Super glad she did that
Yes, I am too.
sorry to see you go, you’ve been making some constructive contributions to the dialogue.
I wasn’t able to read much of her article as it appears to be for paid subscribers, but I’ll try to read through the thread to see what others also are saying.