ANYONE at this point

I understand Kamala Harris may be unpopular for whatever reason but right now I’ll vote for ANYONE who isn’t Donald Trump!


Rhetorically, if “anyone” other than Trump, then why not Biden?; perhaps, because we expect Biden to lose. So, if we are actually looking for someone to beat Trump, the issue with Kamala Harris seems to me that she is quite unpopular, to such an extent that she seems like she may be less likely to actually beat Trump than even Biden, (especially considering how the mainstream propaganda machine has been projecting their identity-politics-based view of her supposed appeal to cohorts whom, from my perspective, actually actively despise establishment politicians like her; I’ve only heard blue MAGA like her).

Then what is to be gained by voting for Kamala Harris to lose to Trump instead of Biden to lose to Trump? Perhaps appeasing (what I describe as counter-productive) inclinations for identity politics would be “gained”; and, perhaps testing that (what I sense as futility) is all that is on the table to be gained in this election cycle.


If Biden were to step down, would that open up at the convention for other potential candidates? If Harris were to get the most support at the convention that would greatly help with her popularity. While MAGA and many others try to paint Harris as a buffoon, her background sets her up to mop the floor with Trump in a debate. If Biden and the party abandoned her now, and did not at the very least give her a chance at the convention that would be a big mistake. In my opinion, it is important to support whoever is up against Trump in order to save a semblance of democracy, but even I would have a hard time with that if it were Biden.


I agree, my friend. I thought it was a no-brainer that Kamala was not a viable option. I was staggered to hear that so many think she is. Maybe I’m missing something. Certainly wouldn’t be the first time.


If I had my druthers, I would definitely not pick Kamala, yet…

if we get Senator Harris who killed it during hearings, then I want her as the candidate.


I will vote for any Democratic nominee picked to go against Trump, and that includes Biden if he is the nominee. Why? Because the primary goal is to prevent Trump from turning the USA into a dictatorship and also because Lichtman (who has accurately predicted the last 10 elections) has predicted Biden will win. Lichtman’s prediction seems to be based on a proven, scientifically-oriented data analysis methodology and model. He has stated that Biden will win based on this proven methodology and said polls are not a good indicator of who’s going to actually win an election. They are a snapshot in time and often do not include good polling samples of people. In a very recent YouTube interview that Lichtman did with Adam Mockler, he points out that the only plan B that would still allow for a Democratic candidate to win would be if Kamala Harris were the nominee. Why? He says, because she is an incumbent vice president and she checks off all the same boxes as Biden that Lichtman says are key to winning the presidency. However, there is a caveat to plan B. He said that in order for this plan B to work, Biden would have to step down from the presidency itself and surrender both the presidency and his delegates to Kamala Harris. As much as I’m not big fan of Kamala Harris, I will vote for her if she’s the nominee, just as I will vote for Biden or anyone else who’s the nominee. I think Kamala would have the advantage of youthfulness and being able to communicate reasonably well as compared with Biden and frankly, she’s not so damn old and confused. I do think that if Biden were to step down from the presidency, that alone would generate a huge buzz away from Trump’s loudmouth dominating the news. Biden could spin stepping down as the kind of sacrifice a real leader needs to make and requires putting one’s ego aside. He could give a big teleprompted speech on live TV about his resignation. All of that would be major news that would be viewed positively. And then there would be all the news generated by Kamala taking over the presidency, picking a vice presidential candidate, coherently describing the successes of Biden/Harris and laying out what her goals would be as president. Of course, Trump will continue to be picked up by the corporate media every time he farts (except when he lies repeatedly in a CNN debate and says nothing of substance in said debate). And, of course, Trump will dominate the news when he picks his vice presidential candidate, which will probably be some psychopath like former general and convicted criminal, Mike Flynn. And if there were a debate between Kamala and Trump, she would ream him a new one, I think. Here is the URL to the Adam Mockler interview with Lichtman: h t t ps:// /AXXu50lbdC8? si=glMiweiMdHS0WlEY (just remove the spaces I put in the URL as this TYT site doesn’t allow for embedded URLs). As Beau of the Fifth Column would say, “It’s just a thought.” Let me know what you think.


Until the Convention happens, members of the DNC have every right to still debate as to who our nominee should be.

Events and concerns that come up after the primaries that have already been held in the different states should and must be addressed. It doesn’t null and void the results of those primaries, but it should be up for discussion.


Makes sense to me. After hearing Sharon’s point of view on the show last week, I thought that protocol was to put Harris up if Biden stepped or was forced down. However, from what I’ve heard since, I believe it actually becomes a situation of anyone can throw their hat in the ring. Am I close?

I think you can add links by clicking on the link icon (above what you’re typing, in the middle) and a thing will pop up that you can paste the link onto. It’ll show up like it’s there twice until you click on reply, and then it shows up like a normal link.

You should go to the Operation Hope Town Hall meetings on Wednesdays! They’re usually on Wednesday at 7:30 Central Time. There should be a link to register in the Operation Hope discussion board.

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Post-debate poll. You have to ask yourself why the firm paired these two people together versus Trump!!!

Oh, and Harris/Shapiro polled 3% better vs Trump than a Harris/Whitmer ticket.

If Biden endorsed a Harris/Shapiro ticket 3-4weeks before the DNC convention then that ticket would likely run “unopposed” at the convention. It would still be an open convention, but I don’t see any opposing ticket wanting to challenge a Biden-endorsed Harris/Shapiro ticket that has polling data like this (and possibly additional):

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Surely there are better options than a Harris/Shapiro ticket. But, I guess better options are beside the point. The oligarchs rig the options to only those which serve the oligarch’s narrow-minded interests, options which seem neck-in-neck with fascism. Interesting times.


I could not agree with you more.