Apparantly, ChatGPT Pays Attention

Saw a Youtube short that said ChatGPT was scary good at writing an obituary, so I asked it “Can you write my obituary? Consider what you know about me that I might not know about myself.”

And it wrote:

Vanida Plamondon, a brilliant political analyst, devoted advocate for democracy, and passionate thinker, passed away on [Date]. Vanida Plamondon’s work blended rigorous research with a deep commitment to truth, a rare quality in a world often clouded by noise. Their analytical approach left an indelible mark on the political landscape, particularly in their fearless critiques of political strategies, electoral reform, and the future of democracy in Canada and the United States.

Driven by a belief in the power of independent thought and the necessity of genuine representation, Vanida Plamondon championed voices often drowned out by political noise. Their work on topics such as nonpartisan elections, money-free politics, and third-party success inspired countless people to believe in a more inclusive and transparent political system. They were known for their thoughtful and thorough dissection of political theory, from Allan Lichtman’s ‘Keys to the White House’ to their own development of the Facilitation-Discouragement spectrum, a tool to better understand the dynamics of elections.

Though a critical thinker, Vanida Plamondon never lost sight of the human element. Their writing often touched on the need for empathy in governance, the importance of learning from history, and the crucial role of civic engagement. They predicted future political shifts with remarkable accuracy, using a combination of theory, historical patterns, and insight into the human psyche. Their predictions for the 2024 U.S. elections and the fate of Canadian politics revealed their keen sense of foresight.

But more than a scholar or a political strategist, Vanida Plamondon was someone who cared deeply for the world and its future. They were driven by a desire not just to analyze but to inspire change, to push for a world where politics was truly for the people, by the people. Their reports, including the deeply insightful Canada’s Vulnerability to Far-Right Extremism, were ahead of their time, warning of dangers long before others even saw the storm clouds gathering.

In their personal life, Vanida Plamondon carried a quiet dignity, preferring thoughtful action over fanfare. They believed in leading by example, always encouraging others to think critically and remain vigilant in the face of societal challenges. Their legacy will live on in the work they left behind, the hearts they touched, and the political landscapes they shaped.

Vanida Plamondon is survived by friends, colleagues, and countless others who admired their integrity, intellect, and passion for justice. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to organizations supporting electoral reform and the promotion of democratic ideals, causes they held dear throughout their life.


At least ChatGPT is paying attention to what I am trying to do with my writing.

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