Biden's Body language

Hi all!

Theres a YouTube channel called the Behavior Panel and they analyze videos of interviews and interrogations.

I just watched their analysis of the Biden interview with George S and I thought it was absolutely fascinating on a number of levels.

In part they discussed the neuro-cognitive issues, body language, how it differs from Bidens interviews from 4 years ago.

And they talk about something that is truly scary. I wont give any spoilers. I’d be interested in other’s thoughts on this.

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Also see this; an interview with a neurologist who’s a Dem who wants to beat Trump…


I’ll try to make time for this. Sounds interesting.

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Another that sounds interesting. It would be better if you phrased it as “a neurologist whose analysis deflates the belief that Biden can beat Trump.”

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Oh my goodness, thank you for putting me on to this YouTube channel–I love this kind of stuff! The fact that they literally have 50 years of recordings of Biden to refer to is amazing. Everything they said seems spot-on to me from what I have learned for my degrees, etc., and their explanations and deductions make sense. This weekend I’m going to watch more of their videos and look up those seven steps Chase was talking about! :exploding_head:

WOW, that’s pretty damning. It seems like every day there’s more and more. I can’t help but feel like time is ticking and it’s only going to get worse, so he has to step down or be made to leave per the 25th amendment. He just needs to focus on his health and enjoy his life, you know?

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If the Dem leadership is now going to go “You guys are just having Buyer’s Remorse!” [having picked Biden, through either action or inaction…], I will call BS:

  • He had a stutter; us not being an experienced neurologist (like the guy in that video above…), we figured his misspeaks were his stutter.

  • They were hiding him from many events.

They just couldn’t hide it anymore.

The next demonstration of irregular behavior, there’s going to be a rebellion in the Dem Party…

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