
<joke>Unless Musk is trolling us…</joke>


Well, this is interesting, but we’ll have to wait and see.

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Yeah read that. It was obvious 3 days ago when Cenk and Francesca and Jordan posted that video. At that time, The conversation had already moved from should he step down to how should the replacement be selected. That is why I posted that poll, lol. Since he didn’t mention anyone in his post, its gonna be a warzone before dems decide what to do. Which means, they are no longer fighting for the presidency. SIGH…

Is it just me, or does it seem weird that he made this announcement on X?

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It’s not an "announcement "when you do it on “X”; it’s an “eXcretion”.

[I think I got that one from Colbert…]


I’m going to chill out with a re-viewing of A Matter of Life and Death now; this has been a most stressful week…

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as opposed to speaking it himself? With media teams having to spend 18 hours shooting 5 lines and another 4 hours slicing 53 video sections with jump cuts? I guess this was faster and easier for everyone. Maybe Jill did it. Who knows, imp thing is it is official

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Also interesting that Clintons endorsed Kamala but Obamas haven’t done so - yet.

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We are so screwed.

In what way? You’re convinced The Owners of the DNC will screw the pooch??

How quickly things change. It looked completely hopeless couple of weeks ago.

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The pooch is already screwed and half way to term with the babies of said screwing.

You have two options now:
Anointed HArris
or Harris selected at a convention.

The former means you still are fighting for the presidency.
The latter means you headed trump the presidency and are focusing on down ballot races.

Because it isn’t about the candidate or the election, its all about the MONEY pledged to the Biden Harris ticket and where it is used.

We’ll have to respectfully agree to disagree on that point. Cenk doens’t agree either (though not that he’s always right…)

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Sure. I just want to make sure people understand that what they want and what we are being told by the establishment isn’t what is actually happening behind the scenes. Not that I claim to KNOW but I am just giving my best calculated guess


I just realized: now Biden has nothing to lose pushing back on NUTanyahoo now, having stepped aside…

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lol, what have I been saying for days? I said in another post that the entire establishment knew of Biden’s condition at the time of primaries and they still cleared the way for him. So what changed recently that they are all throwing him under the bus? This started when they decided to trot him out for those press conferences and then debate with Trump. They shielded him form all that in 2020 and during the primaries.So the decision to oust him had already happened before they started trotting him out. The only thing I could trace it back to was he refused to veto the ceasefire bill in the UN. (there were also little incidents before then every time ISrael wanted to step up its activities and Biden tried to stop them. But those were isolated, sort of like threats unlike this total implosion). Which is why I have suspected AIPAC was behind this. Which is why you see progressives lining up the way they do - Behind Biden and then kamala. (among other things like what happens to the Money pledged to the ticket) and establishment dems behind replacing both - because it is also about what is happening right now and not just the horse race.

This is why I have been saying this is problematic. because this entire shitshow is internationally undermining the credibility of this admin to function for the next 6 months. That is what is chaotic. Primaries would have been a totally different story.

I have a feeling that they are doing the same to Kamala what they did to Biden. Allow her to go into the public eye and implode. So even she wouldn’t be the nominee. And then neither of them have anything to push back against Israel.

Trump has already been screaming that Israel is the victim. Now on the dem side also they will pick some pro Israel candidate only. So Usrael now have full license to do whatever they want, regardless of who wins. Like I said, repeating mistakes of past years to hurt progressive causes.

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