Bye! Bye!

While it was great while it lasted, I must bid you adieu.

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Much of your contributions to our forums are among my favorites.
Farewell :turtle:

I object!


I’m with Jared. You’re awesome! Hate to see you go.


Yeah, what she said!


Well given that they deleted the topic that caused me to leave.

I must say I don’t feel I had a choice but to leave here.

Given my account has been cabined. I must state this is the reason, otherwise my actions look erratic and ill conceived.

The flagging button really is something to behold.

I had mentioned I was working on some history posts for about a year. Given that my account appears to be cabined. I must withdraw my commitment to publishing those posts. I would delete / close my account but due to it being cabined I can no longer do so.

Happy flagging!

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I honestly thought that just deleting the entire topic would be a good thing, so I apologize for any part I played in promoting that idea. It is unfortunate that you are choosing to leave the discussion boards completely, especially hearing that you have ideas you are already working on. Hopefully, you will reconsider.


Could you please share the reason?

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I hope there’s some misunderstanding that gets resolved here and you decide to stay.
Best wishes Civitasvox :sparkles:


Censorship is the reason. Moderators failed to enforce communities guidelines when they likely should have. I posted about female male dynamics and this seem to upset some TYT staff.

They then treated me in an unfair manor in their moderation of the topic by deleting it entirely. I don’t wish to repeat any hostility to the staff here.

I feel I have some more posts to do here, so I will return to post some things.
As far as engaging anyone in discussion, I think the only way that happens is if they give me moderation credentials.

I will however not respond to anyone posting regarding subjects I deem to sensitive for moderation staff.

If staff cannot combat swatting of my posts via the flagging system I will leave and not return.


I DMd you about a conversation that was getting very heated from your end, and asked you to either engage with genuine intention to be constructive rather than antagonistic, per our Core Values, or if you couldn’t do that, then to please not engage in the discussion at all.

You chose to leave after that.

The other person this involved felt horrible about the entire situation and asked if the post that he started could be deleted and try to start it again in a more constructive manner.

Are you saying that this is censorship and unfair treatment by me?


I am not sure there are grounds to question my genuine intention.

I had many posts flagged well before this interaction. I know you would agree many were erroneously flagged perhaps out of anger perhaps not.

The result was a disjointed topic that lasted days as evidenced by the post itself. This is no problem for me short term, I understand others were not pleased.

I think you can frame any actions as antagonistic if you don’t explore the frame I make them under. I was inviting that dialogue over a taboo topic, maybe that came across as a violation of guidelines.

I don’t know what your capacity is to make these decisions but if you decided to delete the topic in full . Then yes you engaged in censorship.

I am not sure you can make the argument that topic had sections that many needed to read, even if difficult.

My argument is the baby was clearly thrown out with the bath water. It could have been fixed many times if you read the posts I clearly am asking a couple times for engagement from mods.

As far as I can tell the first engagement was that DM. This to me was not fair.

I don’t wish to reignite anything here. I am saying I make mistakes, but when I poured my heart out on that page that wasn’t one. Although taboo I meant it and it is true. I am not just going to do that again.

I am not punishing anyone just have no desire. I guess I have little left to prove.


It sounds like you’re saying that through it all you had good intentions, which I completely believe and is why I asked you to just consider how you were coming across. I probably could’ve worded it much better in order to convey that.

I definitely did not address every flag from you nor the other person. It appeared to be turning into a tit for tat situation. I tend to stay out of getting into the weeds or micromanaging convos and just asking everyone to please play nice and consider your tone or how others are responding. I feel that this does matter and is up to each of us.

I can see how you feel that having the thread deleted was censoring. I’m not a fan of deleting anything either and it is always a difficult call when someone is asking me to do so. I decided to it in this situation because the author of the thread asked me to and you announced that you were leaving the community. Maybe it wasn’t the best call, but that is why and definitely with zero intention to censor.

I also hope you don’t feel punished. The community loves you here and everyone wants you to stay. You have a lot to contribute to our conversations and such a big heart for all that we are all working towards. What you decide to do I will respect, but want you to know that you are valued.


I’m glad to see this continuing discussion :heart:


Just to be clear I have never flagged any post since my account was created. I find that whole idea distasteful.

Sometimes tone must be sacrificed at the alter of truth. I would also submit once I engage with a topic the authorship is now ours no just theirs. As you point out I announced I was leaving. To me this would make me want to preserve such work with greater care.

Thank you for understanding my view. I do understand your job to be very difficult. This is why I wouldn’t flag anything. I would just explain to them why they shouldn’t follow the path they follow.

No one is perfect and everyone should own their roles in a malfunction. I know I am not easy to deal with. I am also epically rude and cruel at times by default. I have worked hard to not be this way, but I still have moments.

All I can say is my frustrations were expressed in that post, and I think many folks would likely identify with some of it.

Thank you for the kind words. Don’t think I felt under appreciated, that wasn’t the problem as far as I saw it. My problem was being ignored, a stunning lack of direct communication.

If you don’t have accountability in the communications I am not sure what you could build with your community.


I’m so glad to see you’re back!

I want you to know I don’t flag posts. If I don’t like something, I address it, and if it doesn’t work out, I leave the conversation.

Mostly, I’m sorry that I said it was probably best to just remove the conversation. I didn’t take into consideration that you might not want that, and I am sorry.

I hope you are doing well! :heart:

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I am doing very well thank you for your kind words.:slightly_smiling_face: :blue_heart:

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