Campaign Finance Reform

Exciting update: Maine initiative aims to limit PAC contributions, could reshape campaign finance laws. Join Citizens to End Super PACs #CampaignFinanceReform #CitizenstoEndSuperPACs


This is so important because our voices mean nothing if billionaires keep controlling the government. We’ll never be able to make the lives of us average Americans better when the billionaires tell our Representatives what to do. We need to get behind this and get money out of politics!


Some ideas for helping the Maine Initiative:

Public Advocacy:

  1. Raising Awareness:

    • Public Speaking Engagements, Social Media, and Op-Eds:

      • Speak at events, conferences, and community gatherings to highlight the importance of campaign finance reform.
      • Use social media platforms to share insights, updates, and calls to action regarding the Maine Activists Initiative.
      • Write op-eds for local newspapers and online publications to reach a wider audience.
    • Informative Content:

      • Create and distribute videos, infographics, and articles that explain how Super PACs impact elections and governance.
      • Use clear and engaging visuals to convey complex information about campaign finance reform.
  2. Building Support:

    • Public Events:

      • Organize town hall meetings, forums, and panel discussions to engage with the community and gather support.
      • Encourage open discussions and Q&A sessions to address concerns and questions from the public.
    • Collaborations:

      • Partner with local organizations, community leaders, and influencers to amplify the message.
      • Leverage their networks to reach a broader audience and build a coalition of supporters.
  3. Empowering Citizens:

    • Educational Materials and Workshops:

      • Develop and distribute educational materials that explain the Maine Activists Initiative and its significance.
      • Conduct workshops to inform citizens about how they can get involved and support the initiative.
    • Campaign for Voter Participation:

      • Launch a campaign to encourage voter participation in upcoming elections.
      • Advocate for campaign finance reform as a key issue to be addressed by elected officials.

Policy Advocacy:

  1. Building Momentum:
    • Meetings Between Lawmakers and Constituents:
      • Coordinate meetings where lawmakers can hear directly from constituents who support the initiative.
      • Showcase the public’s backing for campaign finance reform and the potential positive impact on governance.

Showcase Potential Success:

  • Set a Precedent for Capping Super PACs Nationwide:
    • Emphasize how success in Maine could serve as a model for other states and lead to nationwide changes.
    • Highlight the broader implications of limiting Super PAC contributions and reinstating federal regulations.

Any thoughts?


I didn’t quite understand what this initiative was supposed to do until I read a bit more into it. It caps contributions to super PACs at $5000. I thought that number seemed a bit high, but as it turns out that’s the cap on donating to regular old non-super PACs. So what this ballot initiative does is limit contributions to super PACs to the same limit as regular PACs, effectively eliminating the reason for super PACs to exist in the first place.

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You know what would be nice? Kamala putting her money where her mouth is.Talk is cheap. She can shun netenyahu’s speech in congress all she wants. I don’t believe her stance a lick. How about she shuns AIPAC? Give back all the money taken from them. I think that should be a policy up and down the Dem ballot. before we even get to getting corporations out of politics, how about we get foreign money out? No money from any other country other than America? No Israel, Chinese, Russian, french, Canandian, german or any other country should be donating. Then we can talk about taking over financing from corporations once it is n inhouse fight

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Lol, Super PACS were created after FEC regulated donations into PACS. So While I love the idea, they will just find a workaround. As long as speech is money and corporations are people… they will shout in every election


You may be right, I should have considered that under Citizens United there’s a good chance it’s unconstitutional for states to limit Super PAC contributions.


I find it insane that other countries can make campaign contributions! I’m absolutely with you on that. Does anyone know a good Constitutional Lawyer? Maybe when Jamie Raskin is VP we can get him to work on that. :wink:


Hee should work on it regardless. There should not be a single foreign cent in our elections.

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