Can someone explain, please

I’m just hoping that the hypocrisy of the “political class” is just so gross and obscene that people will actually vote instead of staying home.

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Well, to not follow up with a “Can’t we just reduce the number of these shootings with a reinstatement of the Assault Weapons Ban?” is to allow him to have his talking point of being a hero for having been shot, and once again, they distract from what the real issue is. If the Repubs hadn’t recalled and repeatedly blocked the ban, in all likelihood his shooting could have been averted. And if he got hit with a lesser gun in an area with an organ, with prompt EMS care odds are he could have survived it (unless he was up against an incredible marksman, which are rare…)

See: This is how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart

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I understand what you’re saying, and agree with most of it. I just think it’s a bad idea to focus on it too much right now, which can seem exploitative (and has never worked in the past anyway). Democrats need to be gracious right now. An assassination attempt is a huge deal and to act otherwise is a big mistake. They need to stick to the issues and why they are better to lead the country into a prosperous future.

Dude, I can see what you are trying to do. But that isn’t going to work, especially if he himself says, yeah I was shot but I still support firearms because the only thing that stopped him were the good guys with the guns or something. And reoubs will just continue saying, it wasn’t guns but the hate politics that drove him to pick up the gun that caused it. You don’t have to like it but you do have to acknowledge that is how politics works

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I agree

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It has always been entirely up to Biden whether to continue running for a second term. Yes, theoretically he could be forced out by a 25th Amendment vote. But it’s a difficult hurdle to clear since it would require his own cabinet members to all agree the resulting chaos in the party’s electoral chances would be worth it.

The bottom line is, since the end of 2022 when he could have bowed out gracefully and allowed the primary process to play out, it has always been up to him and no one else. Party players weren’t going to challenge him unless every one of them did so simultaneously. And obvs that wasn’t going to happen.

This has been one of the most aggravating arguments Cenk and Ana have been pushing since early 2023, that somehow “the Democratic Party” could force Biden out but they refused to and instead “pushed him on us.” Total and utter nonsense.