Can we get #DropOutJill trending?

In addition to the hashtags begging for Joe Biden to drop out, we should add #dropoutjill.

Its waaay past my bedtime, so instead of reading my reasons, you can just imagine Cenk’s last few rants about Dr Jill.


Absolutely! :joy:


Right. We all know who’s basically being a surrogate president? I almost wanna call the local social services to say elder abuse is happening. #dropoutjill


I seriously thought about that. And i started questioning how thatd work and how they’d never let social services in.

With Cenk’s prediction today about Joe definitely dropping out, i started rethinking this.

But no, even if he does drop out, Jill & those surrounding him will still push him to campaign, etc. So he needs someone close to him to get him REAL HELP.

If that was my grandfather, and my grandmother treated him that way, I’d call immediately.

He needs help.


Something is obviously going on now with 25 governors showing up at the Whitehouse. NPR radio says the purpose is to tell him:” we’re standing behind you.”
But Cenk says it’s more likely to tell the Bidens that Joe can’t continue running, on the radio Biden was quoted: “ I will not get pushed out”.
But I believe Cenk is correct; why would all these governors come to the Whitehouse in person just to tell Biden that they’re standing behind him. An email would have sufficed. Plus; if they’re all behind him, why would he say that he won’t get pushed out.
Sounds to me more like various governors are vetted as candidates and negotiations with the Bidens will continue.
25. Amendment will not work because we will not get the needed republican votes ( as they know that Trump’s election is as good as 100%, if Biden is the candidate.
This is a difficult time for the Biden family, as it is for any family who have to admit to themselves and others the reality of the situation, what the trajectory is and what’s the best and most compassionate outcome.
Since lots of emotions have to be processed, they will need professional support and I hope that the folks who are making this current White House meeting happen, are involving a skilled social worker/counselor who is experienced with these types of interventions. Seems the most smart thing to do, but we’re so often surprised that the “Powers In Being” are not acting very smart.


It is reported Israel is attacking Iran today. Iran is being told to evacuate in 24 hours. Now, we have an incapacitated President while Israel attacks and our U.S. TROOPS are deployed to fight. Who is managing WWIII and our US Troops? It isn’t President Joe Biden! He is supposed to be the Head of the Military. I guess that’s why they are trying to quit.


I’ve been trying #NoConfidence but that one is great too!:rofl:


I’m thinking they are trying to push this to the Virtual roll call and secure the delegates. I don’t know how far out that idea goes in terms of campaign or other Democratic figures that may be involved. Considering Israel is about to drag us into a giant mess this is untenable I would think even among some people comfortable with the political exploitation. Then things are much more under their thumb on a transition.

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Its so scary!

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Anything that’ll work!

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Probably not the best hashtag choice. It made me wonder if you are talking about Jill Biden, the wife of the current president, or Jill Stein, a candidate in the presidential race. Maybe specify in the hashtag?

I agree but i usually have context like a video, my commentary, or multiple hashtags at once so I’d hope that’d help.

Heres the string from one of my fb posts after my rant about Jill Biden, elder abuse, and the debate:

#DropOutJoe #DropOutJill #ElderAbuse
#WhosInCharge #CallSocialServices

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I imagine myself bringing my 81-year-old mother-in-law to a presidential itinerary just for one week. But I didn’t have to look far, just going to the museum for the day and getting something to eat for lunch wears her out.




I think who’s in charge is best

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Right? Having been a Mental Health worker for years before retiring, I had the exact same thoughts.


The problem with #dropoutjill is that some of us might mistake that as a call for Jill Stein to drop out. I would not support that.


I agree but as I said in another post above, I always have context in my social media posts.
Its a good practice.

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They read your #teamjoy story on the bonus episode today (Tuesday)! You are now an inspiration to millions. Literally. :smiling_face:

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Thanks Andrea! I saw that!

If it helps just 1 person, thats good enough.

I loved how they talked about jobs like HVAC, plumbing, etc. I’m probably one of the few professors who regularly suggested students to explore technical degrees. Those jobs are crucial and are not “less than” any other job.

My oldest shared an episode of South Park where the blue collar workers ended up being super rich & riding in limos and everyone was begging for their help. Hilarious!

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