Cassandra 2.0: The Independent Media's Futile Prophetic Dance

Here’s a recent piece I wrote equating independent media with Cassandra and I’d greatly appreciate your feedback.

Cassandra, cursed with the gift of prophecy that no one believes, struggles to warn her people of impending doom, ultimately facing isolation and despair as her dire predictions come true.

Independent media mirrors Cassandra, exposing truths about climate change, corruption, and human rights abuses. Yet, they face disinterest or are labeled “fake news.” Is their truth only as powerful as the audience’s willingness to listen? Is independent media doomed to Cassandra’s fate?


This exactly! I totally forgot about Cassandra, and you made the perfect parallel. (I shared it on Substack, I hope that’s okay.)

Of course! Do you have your own Substack?

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I follow about ten people on Substack and have thought about writing on it just because, but haven’t worked up the nerve. :grimacing:

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I watched as “Democracy Now” became “All-inconclusive Capitalism Now” and KPFK in Los Angeles became less political and more of a station to listen to alternative music on. Sadly, I think that it is less about the truth, and more about what serves the almighty dollar. Cassandra’s truth would certainly have been embraced if there was enough of a profit motive to support her narrative.


I can’t seem to read any more of your stuff because it wants me to become a paying member of the app. If I become a paying member does that help you at all? Otherwise, I’ll just keep trying to see if it gives me some freebies. :smiling_face:

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This hit me HARD.


Oh goodness! I can get you the free-for-friends links … I’m trying to monetize my writing … because I’ve been unemployed for over a year and I’m trying anything.

I’ll happily include you in the free posts :hugs:

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That was the portion that pushed me towards the like button


I’ll totally pay if it helps you. You should try Substack too.


I get notifications when you post something, and some of those I’m able to read. You are seriously an excellent writer!


Have patience, please. I’m figuring this out.


Ooooh, I’m going to go and subscribe to you now! How exciting! :heart:

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