So Cenk and Ana have been making a lot of guest appearances on other shows recently (mostly Cenk with a little bit of Ana so far). I figured for the sake of keeping records on everything and to ensure TYT members don’t miss any of these appearances, I’m going to start keeping a record of these appearances to the best of my ability on this thread. For relevancy, I’m only going to post appearances made after the 2024 election since we already know who won.
Cenk went on the PBD Podcast on December 6 2024 talking about his new strategy in dealing with Trump and the MAGA base. Link to that full video is below.
Cenk went on The Hill’s Rising and spoke with host Robby Soave about dealing with the establishment. Full interview here.
Cenk went on Piers Morgan on Dec 5 2024 to discuss his thoughts on the Russia-Ukraine War. This episode wasn’t as bombastic as previous Piers shows I’ve watched.
Cenk went on Tim Pool’s show on Dec 3, 2024. If you can handle listening to Tim Pool for 2 hours, here it is.
I’m sure a lot of us saw this appearance on Piers Morgan with Alan Lichtman and Kyle Kulinski. Again, posting here for the record.
Cenk and Destiny had another debate on Israel-Palestine with Eli Hassell moderating on Nov 16, 2024.
We also have thread about this subject over in the TYT Discord for those over there too: The “Left’s” reaction to Cenk and TYT since the 2024 Election
I honestly forgot about the TYT discord, LOL. That page also has the reaction videos. I’m not going to post those here. To me, any video bitching about Cenk and Ana is just a waste of time at this point and just feeds into the online drama.
Ana went on Glenn Beck’s show. Premiered on Dec 7 2024. If you can stand to listen to Glenn Beck for an hour.
I don’t know if this forum software can do subtopics, but it would be nice if they had a shows topic, then each show in that topic gets its own thread automatically (a moderator could create that…)
Then on youtube they could do a direct link to the show topic -shadow banning be gone!
If this forum’s software can’t do that, I know phpBB and myBB can…
The bitching is lame; it’s a bunch of prog pundits upset that Cenk called it mostly right -and now they’re trying to use his shows to try and get back up off the floor…
I have said it elsewhere on this forum: the problem with discord is you can’t share a link to posts without requiring the user to register -many people you might be trying to inform are NOT going to be doing that! Forum software is open and transparent -essential ingredients for constructive political discourse.
For now, when I want to comment on a show, I make a distinct topic for it, titled after the youtube video, and tag it as Turks Shows…
Update: turns out there is a way to publish posts for anonymous viewing on disqus; but I don’t know all the caveats, and if it’s as easy as other forum software.
One other thing I don’t like about disqus is they tend to be bleeding edge, and thus have had lots of exploits. The forum software makers tend to be more conservative…