Cenk and his run

A cultist is someone who, when you question them, retaliates with personal attacks instead of defending their position with solid reason.

If you look at the FEC P3 form he raised $427K from individual contributions to that point. He raised all that just to quit and not even take his case to an appeals court? That’s not right and its suspicious. If he really believed he was qualified and was determined to fight to the end, as he said, he should have taken it as far as possible. But he quit after he got his $427K

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With that being said who are you attacking and calling a cultist?


Anyone who fits the description I’ve given.

Well you posted it twice without calling out anyone in particular so I was just curious. Do you feel like everyone here is a cultist?


You are the accuser and would very much like to hear your reasoning for who is.


You gotta learn to not be so sensitive. All I’m doing is stating my observations based on reason and people are attacking me for it. They are cultists. Take it however you wanna take it.

Thanks for your reasoning skills on that one.


So you can take this however you want to take it. It’s ok to express yourself and talk. Most people will listen and discuss an argument without proclaiming you must learn how not to be so sensitive. I didn’t take your attack against me. I asked you a question that you didn’t answer. Reasonable skills are important when discussing the conversation of reasoning.


That’s also twice now you haven’t answered a question much less others that have asked. So again I will ask what is your point?


If all you are here for is to point out observations then why call out Cenk for pointing out the same? You seem confused as of what you are trying to do and I’m just trying to ask you to explain what that is.


Cenk has some explaining to do. Where did the $427K go? Why didn’t he take his case to an appeals court?

If you followed the campaign you would realize that some states charged as much as $20,000 just to get onto the ballot. After these fees were paid they would also reject the application. This mean you must hire an attorney to assert your rights as a candidate.

I guess what you trying to say is that states collective extortion of candidates seems a bit odd. Especially if your not from an established party you must have lawyers standing by to enforce your rights.

It is almost like the two dominate parties have created barriers for a candidate through a undue financial burden with all these states and their exorbitant fees? This along with the legal burden of fighting every state that decides to reject your application.

I know you love the idea that Cenk could be corrupted by money your absolutely doggedly fixated on this dream. I must say this seems like a bit of projection. If you spend your life steeped in a party that ethos is money over country, it is hard to believe there is another way?


I remember him saying that it costs something like $127k PER state to get on the ballot for the primaries. And then you also have the court battles he had to go thru just to even get considered to be on the ballot and he lost a lot of those. “Maybe that is where the money went?” he says sarcastically


While there’s been a lot said, two things come to my mind. One, if you have to tell someone not to be so sensitive when conversing with you, perhaps the infelicitous level of sensitivity lies within you. Two, not every attempt at equity is meant or able to move mountains.

For example, one of my relatives started the American Indian Movement (AIM) with two other men. This group did not form in a vacuum; it was built on the backs of many who came before. You know what I mean? For example, my great-grandfather refused to speak English and consistently ran away from the Indian Boarding School he was forced to attend–thankfully, he lived to tell his stories (in Ojibwe, of course :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). Papa’s acts of rebellion didn’t cause a revolution, but they did help inspire it, just as all the small and large acts of rebellion before and after him. These acts got people, or even just one person, to take notice. One by one, these rebels and observers grew into a wave of protesters and change-makers.

To bring it back to Cenk, he wasn’t trying to become the President of the United States. He was trying to add to the wave of change. His candidacy brought me to TYT, and I’m sure it brought many others. While I may not be able to move mountains alone, I and many others are now part of the wave, which means his run meant something.


This is absolutely true. I’ve seen Cenk discuss this many times and even very recently about RFK Jr. So it is pretty obvious.


You must be super proud of your family and what an inspiration your post is. I couldn’t imagine the hardships and mindset they had to have. Thank you so much for sharing this. I want to look up more about it. You are so correct with your words and I know your family is so proud of you. :heart:


Here’s the difference between what you said and the truth. A person who wants to affect change will take their movement as far as it will go in order to accomplish the mission. Cenk told his supporters that he was legally eligible to be president and would take the case all the way to the SCOTUS:
Here is the video: Cenk Uygur Explains How Case Law Supports His Running As A Naturalized Citizen
And then he quit! What was all the campaigning about? What was all the money donated for? People gave him their time and money and its WRONG! He knew he was going to quit and he told us all a bunch of lies!

At this point I’m pretty certain you would more upset if Cenk went even further. He made a difference and it got a lot of people interested. As many other people have stated that’s what really matters. “Get caught trying” he has inspired a lot of people to make a difference for the better.


Then you’re part of the cult because you’re denying the the ethical fault that was committed here in blind support of Cenk.

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