Cenk and his run

Ok sciguy24 you are very reasonable and never attack people. They only attack you because you seem to only speak the truth. :saluting_face:


Since I stand accused of being part of a cult I wish to make sure that you understand my last remarks were in sarcasm.


And I also stand before your court to ask that I only understood basic math of the how much money has to be spent in running for such a position president in the USA. If I may ask again in my defence, can you do the math good sir?


About $6B. Which he never had any hope of raising. So how can it be ethical to tell people “I’m running to win because I’m legally eligible to be President, and I’m going to take my case all the way to the Supreme Court” when none of that was really true and HE KNEW IT. Thats what a snake oil salesman would do though. If he was really only running to make a point, why isn’t he still going on with the legal case? He claims he stopped because he ran out of money and he couldn’t get the case fast tracked to a circuit court before the south carolina primary. DUH! Our legal system is slow.

Either he was being fraudulent or is wildly incompetent and shouldn’t be at the fore front of running any campaign.

Have you ever donated to any other campaign( local, state, or fed) and they dropped out? Did you go to them and tell them they had some “splainin’ to do”? As I said before, It cost about $125k per state just to be CONSIDERED to be on the ballot. If you wanna bitch about all the money maybe start there


Not relevant. And if any candidate gives false pretenses as the basis for starting a campaign then quits after raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, they should be investigated.

You said he needed to explain where the money went. I just told you were it went along with his own money. Also, did you ever think that one of the reasons he “suspended” his campaign is because of the financial toll it was taking on TYT and that factored into it. It seems to me that no matter what excuse he were to give that you wouldn’t be happy with less than President Cenk Uygur. And even if that were to have happened unless he were to do exactly what you wanted you wouldn’t be happy


Aw, thank you! (Now you got me all teary. :heart:)


I find your tone very combative and insulting, which I neither appreciate nor deserve. We’ll have to agree to disagree.


Sciguy24 you are the one who is being fraudulent by accusing people and Cenk of wrongfully doing anything. I would also state that your attacks are very and wildly incompetent because your points of money don’t add up and you lack any understanding of the subject matter. Which would be fine but you’re not listening to anyone as you make your attacks. If you’re so upset do exactly what others and myself have suggested and contact Cenk, it’s not that difficult. As you do a follow up and attack him and anybody else be sure to have some concrete detailed information. I for one would like to still know why you think Cenk owes you anything, if anything you probably owe him. At the very least stop slandering anyone for that matter. If anybody wanted to listen to it they would be fans of Rush Limbaugh back in the day. All you had to do was start with some proof to your argument instead of slander. You’re just making yourself seem weak and disgruntled for reasons that you still haven’t provided proof or reason for.


Sorry but I’m not ok with someone using a false pretense to justify a candidacy that never had any hope of winning, backed by a legal case that never had any hope of succeeding, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars and wasting the time of hard working volunteers. I believe Cenk knew there was no legal basis for his candidacy and yet he ran anyway. If there are any federal agencies I can file a complaint with about this I’m going to do it.

@sciguy24 how do you feel right now? Do you feel like you have made a difference? A progressive change for the better? How do you feel when you berate people and tell them how they must be part of a cult or just not as intelligent as you are because they just don’t get what you are thinking? How does it feel right now?


Maybe if you could explain yourself better we could all understand your superior judgment and how we are so flawed.


I feel great! Welcome to freedom of speech. I’ve already explained my rationale for saying the campaign was a fraud. As to your criticism of me, I don’t give a damn. If you expect the world to be nice to you all the time especially on an anonymous online thread like this, you’re mistaken. Furthermore, if you have anything else to say on the topic of this thread I’ll be glad to discuss it with you otherwise I’m not answering any further questions off topic.

Are you upset that the establishment fought him and caused the needless legal challenges in the first place?

I guess they could know they were going to loose and not bring those challenges therefore save us all a bunch of money.

If your standards are this high for Cenk’s run you must have really high standards for Biden and the DNC. You wouldn’t be inconstantly applying this point of view would you?


You’re just a hater plain and simple, at least 3 other people have proven your input is pure bunk and you’re still complaining. You really don’t follow Cenk or the show if this is the example you’re sharing. Here’s the actual point; Cenk didn’t quit he resigned there’s a huge difference, second; the reason why he resigned is simple… HE RAN OUT OF MONEY!!! That’s like me trying to drive to Vegas from LA with half a tank of gas that was given to me by family and friends but only made it to Barstow. He didn’t nearly have enough money to fight in all 50 states and that’s on the assumption if all 50 states would even let him fight the case.

Cenk has been transparent with this Campaign since day one what does he have to explain? He said he was running in hopes that others would run to give us a better opponent against Trump and to put a spotlight on naturalized citizens.

At least he was brave enough to try and honestly would have gone far if money wasn’t an issue yet we all knew it was a long shot but he still went for it anyway. People gave their time and money knowing full well this could happen and still give it. So what exactly are you trying to prove other than hating on someone for telling us exactly what he was going to do?

And what if he didn’t resign? You would still be on here complaining only this time you would be saying “Cenk knew he wasn’t going to win so why did he keep taking our donations? Where did that money go? wan wan wan”

Dude just stop…


Here is the video of Cenk explaining why he quit:
Cenk’s Video Explaining Why he Quit
He clearly states that he quit because he could not get his case to the circuit court before the SC primary and he ran out of money.

I don’t believe him and here are my reasons:

  1. Suspiciously bad strategy. It was predictable that the slow movement of our legal system were going to conflict with primary elections so why would that be part the strategy anyways? Providing you received a favorable ruling on an appeals court level (which would have probably been around August or September '24), the only option you woud have If you were honestly trying to be a factor in the general election would be to run as a write in candidate and you would be doing your campaigning using free media (like YouTube or other means).

  2. Cenk raised $400k+. An average person can get a case to an appeals court for about $100k and with all of Cenk’s allies and contacts I’m sure he could have gotten there for a lower cost. Since the campaign hinges on the legal case and since Cenk raised $400k+, I have to ask where did the money go? That’s suspicious.

Finally, Cenk has been involved in politics and media for over 20 years. The conclusions I’ve reached above are easy enough for any entry level poly sci graduate to figure out let alone someone with Cenk’s experience. Based on all the above information I’m forced to conclude that there had to be an alternate motive for this whole debacle other than what Cenk told us in the video. Thats why I say Cenk has some explaining to do!

OK… let me see if I get this…

You’re saying Cenk has explaining to do and you just share a video titled “Cenk Video Explaining why he Quit” OK… so if you’re arguing the word “Quit” over “Resign” ok sure you might have a point to make there but then everything is pure nonsense on your part?

  1. YouTube as free media VS Main Stream Media? Ok if you think that would have been a fair fight

  2. Then you say “Cenk’s allies and contacts?” who exactly is that? What allies and contacts not only have that kind of money to help, but who also wants Cenk around in Congress? Cenk literally explained this in the video! The only allies and contacts Cenk had was us!

Then you say the “conclusion you reached” are easy for Qanon members to reach maybe, but for actual thinkers who lives in reality you’re going off your mental wannabe superiority complex. You’re just going off of what YOU think the reality is based off of what YOU think because of weak-sauce conclusions. So far both videos you’ve provided answered your question so… was the whole point of your post being to argue with… yourself? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It cost over $127,000 just to APPLY to be on the ballot PER STATE. SO if he only had $400,00 or so dollars then he cold APPLY to be on the ballot in 3 states and then he would have to go to court in each of those states to challenge the law saying you have to be born in the USA. Cenk stated that the main reasons he ran was to get more people to run and to challenge that part of the US Constitution which I will admit he got about 33% done. It’s not his fault more people didn’t run against Biden and he went to court about that amendment in at least 3 states


And just so you know, I was against Cenk running because I thought he could do better covering things on TYT. That doesn’t mean what he did was a wrong or bad thing and I will defend his right to do them. He convinced me that he has the right to run so I guess you can say he succeeded in that aspect of his candidacy