Cenk must get on tik tok

Tik tok people are furious with what’s going on in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. Cenk needs to do a rant on tik tok about it and tell them he’s running for president against Biden


One of the reasons I love TYT is the condensed factual yet passionate news segments and discussions. The TYT message would be amazing on Tik Tok & I think should be shared as many ways as humanly (&/or AI) possible on all platforms. Hell, I would love for Brett, Ben, Cenk, etc. to join Truth Social or Rumble. lol. Never been on either site myself but I would follow to watch TYT vs MAGA morons all day long.

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Something that we do over in the TYT Official Discord is let everyone know when TYT posts in Twitter, Instagram, & Tik Tok. We are currently doing a poll over there to see what Social Media everyone is following TYT on ( Discord ) and next week plan on seeing which alerts members would prefer. I will definitely make sure that I pass the poll results “up the line” for Cenk and the bosses to see LOL

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Cenk should definitely be on TikTok. He’s so busy now that someone else would have to design and edit whatever he would post. I think TYT should be on TikTok with a rotation of hosts and contributors so the content could be frequent, but Cenk needs to keep focusing on Operation Hope while we still have hope.

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