Cenk says welcome back Bernie

Cenk says Bernie hasn’t called out democrats in 4 years and says welcome back to Bernie for saying democrats have abandoned the working class. In the same breath he said it’s the same old speech Bernie gives and looked to Bernie and asked but what’s next?

Cenk brings up a valid point in asking what’s next? There’s only so much calling out we can do.

I suggest we take a page out of MAGA’s book and find ourselves a leftist celebrity to lead the charge. For example someone like George Clooney or Jimmy Fallon. Someone whose celebrity status eclipses Trump. Doesn’t have to be one of them specifically as they are only examples but I believe that would be the way to go. Listening to AOC’s responses to her question on wanting to hear from people that voted for Trump and also voted for her the overwhelming response was you and Trump are real. You appeal to us because it seems you actually care about us etc.

The left needs a huge celebrity backed and advised by Bernie, AOC and company to take over the Democratic Party just like Trump and MAGA took over the Republican Party. If the left manages to score a celebrity that can eclipse Trump’s celebrity and is beloved by America while at the same time having the support and advisement of progressives I believe we will finally have the “Trump card” (pardon the pun) we have been looking for to finally take over the Democratic Party and finally have a government for the people.

Whomever is chosen should be duly vetted to make sure they FULLY support leftist policies.

We have four years to get this done and I think it can truly work.


I don’t blame him for not calling them out. How would that have helped anyone?


I agree. Bernie coalesced for the greater good tho. As I said in another post for this election be careful with protest votes . We need to come together and fight another day, but what’s done is done. Bernie is again calling out the establishment and as Cenk said “What’s next”?

Progressives need a mega star from outside of politics advised by progressives. Someone that appeals to everyone to propel our policies forward like MAGA is doing with Trump. I believe prominent progressives should actively start looking for this person or people for that matter to run for different positions in government. I mean I wouldn’t mind John Stewart from the daily show as president but we need to go bigger. Can you Imagine other stars in Congress and the senate backing progressive policies?

I’m telling you republicans are on to something:

Clint Eastwood- Mayor
Arnold Schwarzenegger- Governor

And they struck gold twice:
Reagan and Trump- President

We need to take a page out of their playbook and beat them at their own game. Now the question changes from what’s next to who will lead us to the white house? Who can help us in the senate and the house?


I’m imagining having Keanu Reeves on a debate stage; even if someone like that didn’t win, it would be an interesting intervention into our politics. Too bad he is Canadian I guess.

I don’t actually follow cinema too much, but Leonardo DiCaprio comes to mind as well.


In my humble opinion, I think John Stewart of the Daily Show is the best person. He is well known and is great at articulating his thoughts. He is also well known for standing up to the powerful and questioning their stance in policies and their corrupt influence over both parties.


I’m just hoping these posts are not just to vent or falling on death ears. I pray these ideas are actually being read by people that will propel them into action and see them through to fruition.


I’m imagining circulating fake news media about a celebrity running for office; if it went viral among the celebrity’s fans, then fans could maybe also want it to be true and pressure the celebrity to run. Then maybe the celebrity would clarify how they are not actually running, but possibly also need to defend that position.

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That’s sure one scenario but I wouldn’t want to pressure anyone. I want someone to do it because they know in their heart it’s the right thing to do…

There needs to be a conscious proactive search on the progressive wings part to seek out and vet this person. Even if this person has to run as an independent so be it. I would think it’s about time for Dems.to either see they have been wrong and unite with the progressive wing or we will just keep running independents to siphon off Dem votes until they finally yield and learn America has shown it’s done with the establishment.


You could be right :turtle:

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“I’m imagining circulating fake news media about a celebrity running for office;”

By the way… I think this theory was tested on the Rock a few years back… He floated the idea around in interviews when asked but nothing ever came of it.


Back to the folding card table for you!

Yo, Bernie -we starting an Independent Alliance, or not??