Cenk: You know I don't do Drama right (well...I actually do..but only with intent)

The Whole Jon Stewart and and Tucker Carlson thing:

I am sorry for bring your name into it.

I just needed for some cred.

I do want to be clear though: I never lie about anything I say. I exaggerate. I over emphasize. I used language I wouldn’t typically say.

But I never lie.

If i say a thing. I mean a thing.

On the VERY, VERY rare occasion that isn’t true…I make it very clear shortly after and explain why I have a good reason for it. IT isn’t that I don’t know how to do deception. I did it all the time in the Army.

It is that…why are we deceiving people who are supposed to be on our team? That is my problem.

Anyways…back to Tucker and Jon…Sorry to drag you in…

But…Tucker needs to go (in a non violent way)

and Jon is the only one who can finish him off.

I am just…doing what I can to make it happen.

Will it work?

I don’t know.

But a 15% chance is better than a 0% chance.

And they say random twitter people have no power.

But. Yes. There actually is a method to the madness. When I do what I do I am not just talking shit. I always have intent.