Cenk's campaign

Sometimes we ignore information because our minds have already drawn a conclusion.

I’m not donating to someone who doesn’t have a hope of being president. I prefer to donate my money to things that can actually win.

If you truly believe he has no hope, what are you doing here?

This is starting to get uncomfortable. You’re following me around here.

I follow peculiar dialogue. You may want to scroll back in the history. I have been here for a bit now.

Well, I’m only going to tell you this once. If you don’t like what I say then you are free to express your opinion but if you’re going to follow me around and harass me, I will not tolerate it and I’m sure neither will the admins of this forum.

I guess we need to discuss the rules on what is following? If you want to post some non sense, you’re free to. If you want to not read my reply, you’re also free to. If you want to bully me? I start to have all kinds of feelings about that.

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I think you may have misunderstood. This thread is to come up with ideas to spread hope, specifically in the context of “Cenk’s Campaign”, not to debate your thoughts on his eligibility. Perhaps start a new topic and see if anyone is interested in your discussion. :slight_smile:

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Campaigns aren’t won unless the people fighting it have good strategy. This strategy has not been well thought out. Just because you want to do something doesn’t mean the world is automatically going to go along with you. If you can’t participate in the free exchange of ideas without getting your feelings hurt then you’re the one who needs to get out.

Yeah, I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. I told you how to better use this platform to share your ideas. If you don’t want to do the thing, get off the platform for doing the thing. Seems simple. Your citizenship question has been asked and answered and isn’t really a productive debate at this point. We have moved on. But thank you for sharing. :slight_smile:


A joke that gets both Biden AND Trump?? But yes, jokes; if it’s actually funny/punny, it WILL get some good vibes, crack a scowl or two etc.

Other things too (not a huge fan of the haiku only because Americans are literally idiots).

I think having some “deep state” people of OURS with like a patch of skin feel to the ground (all in picture but also can be vid ads) revealing lizard skin or something would be hilarious and could crack a scowl or two.

How bout the whining of trump: starts out normal, slowly gets more high pitched till it turns into a baby voice while it goes on to a mashup?? Of him literally whining and complaining and ANOTHER one of all the throwing under the bus of people (to some other kinda voice not sure yet) to: ALL the VEtERAN bashing as a separate one with OTHER voice: maybe a over cute-sey 6 or 5 yo.

I wish they would use me cause I am not good at most anything BUT thinking/ideas. Little other useful talents. What do you think?

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I was thinking of something like a daily Trump insult and/or daily Biden joke. In either case, something short and to the point. Something that would get someone’s attention in the first 5 seconds of an ad. The haiku part is not important. It’s much more important to make them fun. Hopefully a few go viral and help get the word out.

I think these are great ideas, especially the Trump whining thing. Trump already sounds like a tiny, whiny, little baby all the time.

What do you think about getting a group together to work on this?

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Honestly I think he should keep running for congress instead of running for President. Also and regrettably, at the moment he is not eligible to be President.

Haven’t we discussed this before?

Excellent idea!
We also need that one-on-one, door-to-door appeal.
The question should be: “What’s your issue?” And if someone answers to just one of the policy issues on Cenk’s site, the answer should be: “Then, here’s your candidate who can make that happen.” (Hand out flyer.)
Some of them who become aware of Cenk’s policy positions will do our work for us and pass the information along.


I’d be down for sure. Sorry for the delay.

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The district court ruled against you which was fairly predictable. Have any of you got the message that this isn’t going to work?

It has already worked.

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Here’s the difference between what you said and the truth. A person who wants to affect change will take their movement as far as it will go in order to accomplish the mission. Cenk told his supporters that he was legally eligible to be president and would take the case all the way to the SCOTUS:
Here is the video: Cenk Uygur Explains How Case Law Supports His Running As A Naturalized Citizen
And then he quit! What was all the campaigning about? What was all the money donated for? People gave him their time and money and its WRONG! He knew he was going to quit and he told us all a bunch of lies!

After reading that you didn’t follow the campaign this seems a bit suspect.

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