Christmas help

This story is a few months old now but I think it is a hopeful one. Right before Christmas last year my wife and went to her company Christmas party(ugly sweaters were involved), when we returned home we started hearing some odd sounds that sound to a block or two away kind of a “yip…oooh,…no” very loud but a not really that close I was outside having a small fire in our fire pit and my wife says “You should got see what that noise is”. I really didn’t re a huge need to do so but relented and walked out or back gate (keep in mind I’m wearing my light up ugly sweater, a gray duster ,cowboy boots and hat) . No sooner had I walked out the gate then I see and hear what is making that noise it’s a running down the street at the end of my alley.
I thought “welp this is just great” (read with all the sarcasm on can put on a thought) but decided to walk to the end of the alley andI followed the “yeps “ for a few block and then the man had turned a round and was was sprinting towards me still yipping. I dropped my pretty good “dad voice” on him and just said “hey come ova here” and to my shock he did, then I asked to sit down and his name. He was very very high on something. I asked him what was going on tonight and he told me that “he and some friends had smoked some pot earlier” I told h not to lie to me and that I experience with pot. He then told me he had smoked a bunch of meth and was currently “suuuper high” I snicker and asked stay seated right then and called dispatch back and gave the location, I asked they not come with lights and sirens so that the man didn’t bolt. Cops show up and are very confused I explain the situation. Before the man was put in to the back of the cop car I said to him “ these guys are going to take you somewhere to sober up, and their going to offer to help you get off this sh*t, I recommend you take it “. He then asked for my name and I gave it to him. I went home and told my wife the story and then didn’t really think about it again, until two weeks ago I was walking over to friends house and coming down the road I the bike lane was a guy on a long board , I noticed he took a double take but really didn’t think much of it. The next thing I hear is some footfalls and someone calling my name or something very close and it’s the skateboard guy. He asked if remembered him, I confessed I couldn’t place is face but he looked kinda familiar. He then explained to me that he was “the yipping guy” and that he had taken my words to heart and has been clean and sober ever since and he wanted to thank me for my help. I congratulated him on his sobriety and explained that I had not done anything and the he was one who had done this for himself. He insisted on a hug and hardy handshake, I wished him the best and we went our separate ways.


Wow, that is wonderful! It’s nice to hear you took that moment to get him help and say something beneficial. Most people would not have done that. You never know what another person is going through, and you never know when something you say or do will make a difference. You said you called dispatch? Please tell me you are somehow involved in law enforcement because that makes the whole scene just that much more hilarious! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m not in law enforcement I actually have the number in my phone incase my dogs go exploring with out me lol


Yeah it is funny how we as a society have vastly differing views of public safety.

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