Cornel West Interview

I always love hearing from Cornel West, and his interview with Cenk is no exception. He is so inspiring! I have to say that I agree with everything the man says and believe he truly is a force for good. His message speaks to the humanity of everyone, and his goals are inclusive and universally beneficial. That said, I fear our government will block him at every turn, creating a situation where Brother West is just simply unable to enact the change we so desperately need. It was disgusting how our representatives, etc. treated Obama, and I fear that will seem like open-armed acceptance in comparison. What does everyone else think?


I agree 100% I haven’t watched the interview yet. I’m a few days behind, and only yesterday watched RFK JR.'s interview. I watched Tuesday’s Damage Report this morning, and I am steeling myself for another Cenk-Ben-Gaza debate, which I know happened on Tuesday evening. It is so painful watching Ben struggle with his pro-Israel bias, but I get it. I remember how uncomfortable I was the first time I heard Cenk and Ana criticize Obama. Ironically, it was an interview with Cornel West that made me see the light. I’ve been in love with his mind since I read “Race Matters” back in the 90s. So when HE criticized Obama, it made me wake up and realize how far away I had gotten from my progressive roots.


The demopublicans in charge would definitely not let him accomplish anything. The Democratic party spend considerably more time and money fighting progressives then fighting the Republican party. Truly sad.


True, but his election would demonstrate just how popular the progressive agenda is in this nation. And I believe he would fight for his agenda. And since that agenda includes so much that is popular on the Right as well, it could build progressive momentum which could affect future elections, both nationally and locally. Not that any of this will happen, of course. The demo-publicans you mention have already seen to it that only establishment candidates have any chance of winning. But it is important to keep fighting, and to “get caught trying.”


Unfortunately , Andrea , the writing on the wall came when the DNC disallowed all 3rd tier candidates in the primaries. Ironically, this action violates our Democracy. The establishment is so afraid of new , vibrant voices that it makes me sick. We mustn’t sulk but carry on knowing that eventually we will manifest positive change Jack


I could not agree more, it should be illegal! Thankfully, there are people like you who inspire us all to keep moving forward with hope. Even when it seems like all we do is lose our footing on the muddy side of an unfairly matched tug of war. (I hope you are doing well!)