Deep Colonization Recovery, online workshop

For any interested in this event (on April 8th) ā€¦

Join us for this free online workshop where you can learn how to hold Deep Colonisation Recovery Circles.

The session will introduce the Deep Colonisation Recovery process by practising it. We will unpack this idea of deep colonisation, which we see as a deep wound within each of us, whether our ancestors and culture have been colonised or colonisers.

Event link:

About the organization:


This seems pretty cool, I wonder how the event went?


The recovery circle I participated in went very well. Iā€™m not quite sure how I would describe it; it kind of felt like a group therapy session for the shared traumas from of our broken culture.

I think their organization and resources are good, especially for (and not limited to) tending to the persons working in political or activist organizations.

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I really love the idea of people coming together to help heal one another trauma. This is really an awesome sight to see.

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