Defaming, silencing, and getting Pro innocent Palestinians Fired from their jobs

Dear Ana and Genk,

This is my first time reaching out to you, and I know you may be my only voice out of this.

Ana, I’ve always felt a strong connection to you in every way – intellectually, ideologically, and physically :wink:

I’ve been vocal in supporting Palestinians since the Israeli assault on Palestine. I resonate with almost every statement you’ve shared on the show. You and i are not antisemitic; rather, we oppose Israel’s oppression and the killing of Palestinians.

2 days ago, I I woke up to hundreds of messages across social media. A lying, defaming page posted my face, name, employer, and misrepresented a clearly sarcastic statement I made to paint it as ‘anti-Semitic.’ The bullying and insults haven’t ceased since then, and within a few hours, the post was shared thousands of times, with my employer tagged hundreds of times.

I was fired from my work place this morning as a result.

The page is run by a racist individual named Liora Reznichenko. Please take a moment to look into her. Her page aims to silence pro-Palestine voices, defame people, and, of course, mass-tag their employers to get them fired. Please check her account on twitter: #StopAntisemites

Since this incident, I haven’t been able to sleep or eat. Other victims have been defamed and fired from their jobs relentlessly for speaking out against Israel crimes.
I’m currently filing a lawsuit against her along with another professor who got fired from 2 jobs in 2 universities as result of her defamation.

This women’s sole purpose is to ruin our lives.

I’m reaching out for support and to share my story. You were the first people I thought of, knowing you’ll fully understand the difficult situation I’m in, due to this person. Could you please call me so I can provide more details. Please share our stories. Our professional lives are being destroyed.

I appreciate it.


Kia ora Hello from Aotearoa/New Zealand :new_zealand:.
Numerous individuals have been targeted for that same reason.
TYT, if I know how they operate will definitely scrutinize & look at all the facts, and will proceed accordingly.
Being many miles away, I cannot imagine how you & many others are enduring, the pain, & lost of a loved one. My heart goes out to everyone involved.
Kia Kaha Be Strong


Thank you for your kind words Sully. I really appreciate. Yes, we do need support. We need our story to be mediatized. I hope Ana or Genk would read and reply…

You might also want to post your experience on the Majority Report Discord. It gets more traffic than here; they’re simpatico with TYT; and they seem eager to know of right-wing cancellations.

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I Will try that. It doesn’t appear that there’s any way to get through to Ana, or Cenk…

For those not aware of their operation, and their well funded machine, aiming to destroy us and silence our voices. Here’s who they are:

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