DNC Panel on Palestinian Human Rights

I cried with Joy today when I saw on “Democracy Now!” that The Democratic National Convention has held its first-ever Panel on Palestinian Human Rights.

I then cried with Grief when I heard the accounts of the ongoing Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians in Gaza as well as Reporters, Health Care Professionals and NGO Workers in Gaza.

These are War Crimes.

The faces of dead, dying and horrifically injured Children and Babies keep me wide awake at night.

I forced myself to listen to these devastating and heartbreaking Testimonies of the Panel members today.

We must not ignore what is going on in Gaza. To ignore the ongoing Genocide is to diminish our own Humanity.

I have prayed so hard that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would at least sit down and listen to what The Uncommitted had to say.

This Panel on Palestinian Human Rights is a great first step and it fills me with Hope.

The next step is a complete Arms Embargo from both the USA and U.K. to Israel

Only then can a true Ceasefire happen and a wider War in the Middle East be averted.

The Uncommitted Heroes remind us that “Never Again” applies to EVERY SINGLE Human Being on this Planet and most specifically to ALL The Palestinian Civilians in Gaza who are being Butchered in plain sight
